AtomicDeadlock Survivor Carter-ish-type Build


Hello All! Long time ago (in a galaxy far far away), I started a Halo 4 build but it ended up getting destroyed. Kind of ruined my motivation. Nearly a decade later, I am finally feeling the urge to start (and finish) a build.

I've been playing some Halo Reach recently and kind of had the idea of "what if Carter somehow survived?" So I want to make some battle damaged/roughed up looking Commando that has had to repurpose some armor pieces. Maybe in my head-cannon it'll be Carter but not actually. Either way looking for a little advice as I start.

Scaling has always been an issue for me. Primarily the helmet and chest. I'm using a mix of Armorsmith, Pepakura, and Blender. Basically scaled the armor set in Blender to get the starting dimensions and imported to Armorsmith to scale as needed. I do want to point out that Armorsmith has give me the motivation to start working out again after seeing my lumpy body as a 3D model, so there's that I guess.

I've run into a couple roadblocks.

1) I seem to have a big head. I'm thinking of using some Jun-type of scarf to mask the larger helmet size. So question if it looks like it helps to y'all.


2) Secondly, any advice for closing the gap between the belt(?) and chest is appreciated.

3) Lastly, I'm not sure what to do with this gap in the spine. I saw someone stack some foam to creating a living-hinge / moveable spine piece. Sorry I can't remember who that was right now.


Other than this, I've already started cutting out some pieces that I find easier to scale (shin / knee / shoulder pauldron). Trying to cut everything now while its cold, so I can use Barge cement outside in the Spring.


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Welcome back! I'll try to help you with what I can:

1) Honestly I think hiding your neck with the scarf will help with the sizing of the helmet. You'd get less of a "lollipop effect" with your helmet as the scarf acts more like a base. I might do that when I eventually make a spartan.

2) I'm going to guess what you're talking about is the abs section. There are plenty of options, but from what I understand for Reach Spartans, there are files for the actual undersuit. I think InstinctCreative on Etsy has files for both molds and actual model files if you're looking for something like that. I think people have printed it out using TPU. I've also heard about something called an "Ab Wrap" which someone will probably explain better.

3) For the gap, the first thing I can recommend is the models I mentioned under 2 because they have that part you're talking about. If youre not going in that direction, some foam pieces attached to your under suit will definitely give off that effect.

Besides that, sounds like a solid plan! What are your plans for the helmet and undersuit currently?
2) I'm going to guess what you're talking about is the abs section. There are plenty of options, but from what I understand for Reach Spartans, there are files for the actual undersuit. I think InstinctCreative on Etsy has files for both molds and actual model files if you're looking for something like that. I think people have printed it out using TPU. I've also heard about something called an "Ab Wrap" which someone will probably explain better.

Besides that, sounds like a solid plan! What are your plans for the helmet and undersuit currently?

The ab wrap is exactly what I was looking for! I was actually giving it some additional thought last night. I think some ammo bags or something similar that could cover my gut would also work. Not sure I have a big enough 3D printer to make the ab wrap in TPU. However, my intention is to 3D print the helmet. I've made a Mandalorian helmet that way, so I'm familiar with that process.
Sounds good. Some pouches should give you some easily accessible storage while you're wearing the armor. Who's files are you using for the helmet?
Gotcha. Do you have a vacuum former? If not, I know a couple of people in the 405th offer services. If you're looking for a less expensive option for your visor, Aguilar's Commando files have a "quick change" system that uses that flat reflective plastic visor material that you can find on Etsy. Only downside is that it's flat instead of the divots in the visor. His files are a bit more expensive, but it's cheaper than buying both the files and physical visor from Galactic.
Figure it is time for a February Update.
I've made a sizeable dent in my foam cutting and have been organizing everything in labeled plastic bags. I'm keeping the paper also to help remember what's what. Might be halfway or so. Should be on target to get everything cut out before the end of winter and be ready to get my Barge-cement on.


I'll be needing to restock on the interlocking foam I've been using. I've been having a hard time seeing with using a black pen on gray/black foam and have found some blue mats online for a decent price. That'll help a bunch for sure and reduce some of the eye strain. The super-black foam from Hobby Lobby has not helped at all with that. :) I don't use it much anyway since its for layered pieces.

The only other thing I've been struggling with is getting the correct angle of my cuts. But I've collected a ton of scrap so I'll just use that as reinforcement material wherever there's insufficient contact area for the barge cement.


Lastly, recognized I could 3D print some of the greeblies instead of cutting them out. The first round with these from the forearms turned out great so hopefully they'll glue to the foam okay. Issue I've had with this is when I export the STL of the pieces from blender, the sizing gets out of wack. I have to write down the dimensions and retype them into Cura. Minor issue but a little annoying.


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