Baron Cutthroat aka Cutty's MK7 build

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Howdy everybody! I'm Chris, aka Baron Cutthroat/Cuttycosplays from instagram. Despite having this armor fully completed to V1 and already bumping up into V2, I never made a build thread. I need to get my posts up, sooooo HERE WE GO (I mean within reason, you know? Not gonna make a bunch of posts with only one photo each, I'm not a super jerk)! But, because some of these are old, it's gonna be super out of order til I post the V2 stuff. Just giving a general idea of how it went and is going.

The build started with a set of files purchased from Etsy in 2022 before I discovered better ones down the line. But it was too late, and the build commenced. I didn't have my own printer at the time, but a very good friend of mine offered up a couple of Enders to the cause and I supplied the filament and all the finish work. The color is heavily inspired by (stolen from) the Infinite coating Arctic Void, just without the mustardy yellow. The first helmet is an Evakura Mk7 which started life with a Johnsonarmsprops custom visor and then switched over to the Branfuhr. My lovely wife gifted me a Nerf MA40 to customize. The sword is also an Etsy purchase, and the Rocket Launcher files are from Titlewave.

Let's Start with the legs!








HELMETS! The Evakura mk7 is purely a work of art, but I do love the Firefall soooo much so that was a good upgrade path to take. Also, aguilar's files are killer. I also didn't build the Mk7 helmet myself, and felt I needed to have at least touched and worked on every part of this somehow other than paint. I was also given an old slightly modified and janky Ender 3 Pro so the Firefall was printed entirely on that, as my first real attempt at printing ANYTHING. Don't do that. Learn on smaller stuff. Lesson noted. Somewhere along the way during printing the jaw line, the filament got jammed and I had to re-print an entire section and glue it onto the 75% completed but failed jaw. It worked out in the end, but was a ton of extra work over a stupid mistake I could've avoid had I had any common sense on which way the filament was supposed to be fed into the extruder.....ANYWAY I also learned how to make my own visor during this so that was fun.











how heavy is it? Its all plastic and I don't know what infill you have, but just the size of it makes it seem cumbersome!
So it varies between 10-15% infill and of course the 2 inch pvc pipes added some weight too. All told, about 26 pounds.
Very impressive build, man!
Did you use an epoxy resin or something to seal in the parts? They seem very smooth!
Very impressive build, man!
Did you use an epoxy resin or something to seal in the parts? They seem very smooth!

Thanks! For most of the larger pieces, I used XTC-3D (until it got too expensive then I switched to UV resin) and sanded them with a palm sander. Anything that was smaller or had smaller details, I just sanded and sanded and sanded until it was smooth enough, then hit it with a coat of filler primer to smooth it back up. Anywhere that still had print lines that I couldn't get rid of I just added a bit of extra weathering.

Well done. I love the grungy paint job.

Thanks man! I just water down a mix of black and brown acryllic paint, smear it on with a foam brush, and then blot it all over with Vive paper towels. That's the key, they have to be the kinda thick textureless ones. Then, just adding some mud here and there.
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Thanks! For most of the larger pieces, I used XTC-3D (until it got too expensive then I switched to UV resin) and sanded them with a palm sander. Anything that was smaller or had smaller details, I just sanded and sanded and sanded until it was smooth enough, then hit it with a coat of filler primer to smooth it back up. Anywhere that still had print lines that I couldn't get rid of I just added a bit of extra weathering.

Thanks man! I just water down a mix of black and brown acryllic paint, smear it on with a foam brush, and then blot it all over with Vive paper towels. That's the key, they have to be the kinda thick textureless ones. Then, just adding some mud here and there.
I see, can I ask why the choice of UV resin as opposed to a 2 part resin?
I see, can I ask why the choice of UV resin as opposed to a 2 part resin?

UV just seemed like it was easy/cheap to work with. XTC is a 2 part resin and I used it for a long time but for a bit it became so expensive to use, it just wasn't worth it. I do prefer it over UV, though. UV just works in a pinch when you wanna save some money. XTC has come back down in price though, so next time it'll be back to that.
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UV just seemed like it was easy/cheap to work with. XTC is a 2 part resin and I used it for a long time but for a bit it became so expensive to use, it just wasn't worth it. I do prefer it over UV, though. UV just works in a pinch when you wanna save some money. XTC has come back down in price though, so next time it'll be back to that.
Yeah it has gotten pretty expensive recently, I haven't heard of a price change though so I'll look into that anyways. I've been using a regular 2 part epoxy resin for all of my props and armour so far.
Sick build. Love the way you lifted those boots!

Thanks dude! I'm thinking of lifting them a bit more honestly. I still click-clack around like Monty Python horse sound effects lol. I figure if I add a couple more layers of foam, the boot armor itself will still hide most of it and the extra foam will help prevent the toes from hitting the ground. We'll see...
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