Best Pepakura

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New Member
I'm new to the site, I want to know what some of the pepakura downloads look like done. Can anybody show me the finished product and where to get that one?
zoso said:
I'm new to the site, I want to know what some of the pepakura downloads look like done. Can anybody show me the finished product and where to get that one?

What you really wanna know is "What is the best set I can dl?" Well I'd say take a look at Slyfo's set, nobody has currently finished so far *I think*, but its the only full H3 set out there available. Remember to thank him, it took him a long time to do that.
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If you want this done by halloween, use peices in the "how to make armor with pepakura thread" if you dont care about halloween and want this done say 2-3 months from now, try slyfo's, his is very detailed because of the new armor in halo 3 being twice as detailed as the one from halo 2
Fuffuloo 117 said:
Hmm... I'm not sure. Maybe try pm-ing Macattack. I know he has some finished product pics.

Thanks Fuffeloo... :p

Here's a few pictures...



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Well Mac, you've done some really nice on that armour... credit where is due, buddy... :cool:
Well Mac, you've done some really nice on that armour... credit where is due, buddy... :cool:
I think I need to make a new body... :\... I want to start making a new one... Halo 3 model files... :\

Or maybe keep certain pieces and make new ones... or maybe I can buy a dremel and make the fixes... :\...

I might even sell it...
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