Briefing Note For The 405th Infantry Division: Canadian Volunteer Staff Resignation


Well-Known Member
The Canadian Regiment Staff and Battalion Staff covering the areas of Delta Battalion, Nouveau Montreal Battalion and Snowburner Battalion are relinquishing command of their respective areas effective immediately citing the following concerns.

L'état-major du Régiment canadien et l'état-major du bataillon couvrant les zones du bataillon Delta, du bataillon Nouveau Montréal et du bataillon Snowburner abandonnent le commandement de leurs zones respectives à compter du 1er novembre 2024, citant les préoccupations suivantes.

Continued in PDF

Prepared by: Chris “TurboCharizard” Gensey, former Canadian Regiment RXO, Delta BCO
Reviewed by: Tristan “Schankers” Schenk, former Canadian Regiment RCO
Reviewed by: Cameron “ZiggyGrimm” Taylor, former Canadian RCO and 405th Graphics
Responsible Director: Art Andrews, 405th Community Owner
Responsible Group Leader: Angela “FANGS” Mash, 405th DCO
Date Prepared: October 21st, 2024


  • Briefing Note For The 405th Infantry Division.pdf
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I, Zachary, will be resigning from my position as BCO effective immediately of the Nouveau Montreal Battalion of the Canadian regiment. as such I will no longer be a member of this community.

Ever since the creation of the Nouveau Montreal Battalion, we felt as if we were never welcomed within the organization. We were promised support, help and banners for events and yet any request for any of those were turned down or pushed back continuously.

The creation process of the battalion was held in 2020, so was the election process and it is only in 2022 that the first trace of the Montreal battalion appeared in the canadian regiment beside member’s threads.

Ever since the creation of the Battalion (2020) we requested guidelines and support from Division staff in control of branding and again we were always met with push backs and getting shut down. we gave up in 2022. It took until ValkyDesign started a logo in 2024 to finally get the process for the logo officially started.

Montreal is located in the only French province in Canada, most of our members are unilingual French. We requested help to translate and working files to make french promotional material. help that was again promised by division members and no further actions were taken. For events that were happening in Montreal, we had to make our own 405th promotional material in french and we were happy to share it within the forum for other french segments of this community (eg: the european regiment). In return we receive severe backlash and threat of disciplinary actions for non-sanctioned use of the 405th logos and visual identity. We were asking for help to create such documents for over 6 months. In Québec, it is MANDATORY to have signage and text in french, it is the LAW.

‘’The general rule provides that public signage and commercial advertising must be done in French. They can also be done both in French and in another language, provided that the text written in French has a much greater visual impact than the text written in the other language.''

Division’s behavior towards the Nouveau Montréal Battalion has been in direct contradiction the value #1 of the mantle:
‘’UNITY: We value every member and the bond of community they collectively create.’’

It is with great sadness that I am stepping out of this amazing community, as I do not see any improvement happening as long as the current managing staff stays unchanged and isn't kept accountable for abuse of power.

Zachary, former Montreal Battalion Commanding officer, Signing-off.
I joined the 405th with hopes to be part of something bigger than myself, to make new friends that shares the joy of creating costumes from games that means a lot to me. Did I find what I was looking for? Yes. However, I also ended up finding multiple horror scenarios with abuse of power that I can't agree with or accept.

Everything that went down proved that we were being led by someone that clearly doesn't care to keep the 405th welcoming to all, and that doesn't care for his own staff's opinion. Do I want to follow such a dictator? No, I really don't.

With all this said, I officially resign as BMO of the Nouveau Montreal Battalion of the Canadian regiment. Effective immediately.

I wish things could have went differently, but I sadly don't have hope for this group anymore as long as Art Andrews is in charge.

Very excited to keep the journey going on our separate Canadian group and I hope to keep in touch with the amazing people I have met here over the last few years.
It is with profound sadness that I resign from any and all positions within the 405th.

We have given ample time for Art Andrews to answer, or at least converse, with our regimental leaders on the subject of why Pride logos, posts, and support was cancelled from the top level days before the event, after work had been put in. With only a vague “brand integrity” excuse thrown around.

I can’t be part of a group that is owned by a tyrant. Someone who swoops in, makes demands that actively go against the mantle they preach (“brand” over community).

I refuse to give any more of my personal time and volunteering efforts to an organization that is owned by someone with the level of disrespect shown to the current administration, volunteers, and community. The people built the 405th. It is the membership who make it great. The people don’t need a tyrant, we just need a community, and it doesn’t need to be this one.

Ownership does not respect our efforts or the work that we put in enough to have a civil, reasonable, respectful conversation with us about an event and subject we have supported and participated in for years. Halo itself hosts events and celebrations for Pride, so it isn’t against any of their branding and values.

As a passion, I worked with the 405th brand as one of the graphics team. Professionally I have worked in digital media for well over a decade, I am currently working professionally to build companies brands and guiding documents. With that expertise I can say without a doubt we could have easily worked to make celebrations adhere to brand. But this was never about brand.

I’m no longer waiting for a response from Art, I’ve given up on a respectful dialogue. We will never get one.

Every day that has passed I have grown more resentful of the way this was handled. We were given a disrespectful “If you don’t like it, leave.” Well Art, you got your wish. Goodbye. The free first class tickets on a guilt trip you gave us about “abandoning our community”, well… I hope you have enough tickets for all of Canada, we’ll take them with us.

I implore all other regiments to consider following suit. Leave this place, we can happily form a network of members across the globe. The 405th can keep their brand, we’ll happily take what matters, the community.

Any members who would like to join a community that values its members over arbitrary and easily changeable rules is more than welcome in the new community that is being formed, regardless of physical location.

Join us at:
I've said more than a few things about this topic over the past months. I had hoped for progress but we have had no apparent movement on a topic that all staff had extreme concerns over. Taking Arts well thought out advice, we are considering brand integrity and separating ourselves from a difficult and harmful person.

Good luck in all your future crafting endeavours.

See you planetside.
It's been a great pleasure to serve in a community position in a community that I love for the amount for time that I did. While I'm saddened I had to end my time in staff this way I couldn't let the way some of my closest friends in this community were treated (and yeeted from existence) go without taking action.

Love you guys, see you around
I am sad to see the Regiment fracture itself

I cant comment on why as i dont have any details but its simply sad
I am so sorry to hear this. To me, the 405th has always been such a stable, wonderful, friendly, and welcoming group ever since I joined nearly four years ago. It was made so no doubt thanks to the wonderful and experienced leadership of the Canadian Regiment and its battalions. Now that our leaders are all stepping away, I cannot help but feel like a loving family has been ripped apart. I am so so sad.

I have not interacted much with our forum owner, but the little I have gives me no reason to leave. I know our now former staff have their reasons for this departure, but I cannot leave. Please know that this does not make me your enemy! Of the folks I have interacted with I have had nothing but the most pleasant time. I look up to all of you and have tremendous respect for all of the work you have done for this community. For those of you I have met in person; I consider you a friend and I will always continue to do so. Especially you, Schankerz, you are my friend. I hope to continue to do all the fun things friends do together like going to conventions, playing games together, doing photoshoots, and Christmas gift exchanges. You'll see me in both communities most likely.

My heart has been broken tonight. It's so sad that there is someone somewhere, who has built a halo suit using the resources of the 405th, and will not be extended the same invitation I was extended when I joined to be part of the Canadian regiment. When I joined the Canadian regiment I found a real treasure. Seeing the words "Disband the Canadian Regiment" literally brought me to tears.

Goodbye friends, ttyl!
It's so sad that there is someone somewhere, who has built a halo suit using the resources of the 405th, and will not be extended the same invitation I was extended when I joined to be part of the Canadian regiment.
The invites will still happen, it will just be under a different name.

It's okay to mourn the end of the era, just know the community will continue under it's own name.
I am so sorry to hear this. To me, the 405th has always been such a stable, wonderful, friendly, and welcoming group ever since I joined nearly four years ago. It was made so no doubt thanks to the wonderful and experienced leadership of the Canadian Regiment and its battalions. Now that our leaders are all stepping away, I cannot help but feel like a loving family has been ripped apart. I am so so sad.

I have not interacted much with our forum owner, but the little I have gives me no reason to leave. I know our now former staff have their reasons for this departure, but I cannot leave. Please know that this does not make me your enemy! Of the folks I have interacted with I have had nothing but the most pleasant time. I look up to all of you and have tremendous respect for all of the work you have done for this community. For those of you I have met in person; I consider you a friend and I will always continue to do so. Especially you, Schankerz, you are my friend. I hope to continue to do all the fun things friends do together like going to conventions, playing games together, doing photoshoots, and Christmas gift exchanges. You'll see me in both communities most likely.

My heart has been broken tonight. It's so sad that there is someone somewhere, who has built a halo suit using the resources of the 405th, and will not be extended the same invitation I was extended when I joined to be part of the Canadian regiment. When I joined the Canadian regiment I found a real treasure. Seeing the words "Disband the Canadian Regiment" literally brought me to tears.

Goodbye friends, ttyl!
We love you Nate!
I'm deeply saddened by the news that the Canadian Regiment is stepping down. It feels like we've lost a valuable part of what makes the 405th special — that shared passion and support across borders that once bound us all together. The 405th was a place where cosplayers came not only for the incredible creations but for a sense of family and unity. Seeing that unravel due to leadership decisions made without transparency or regard for the community is disheartening.

The approach Art has taken to managing our community seems increasingly disconnected, and I can’t stand by as he imposes his will on an organization that is supposed to be about inclusivity and teamwork. We deserve leadership that’s open, listens, and holds itself accountable. A community built on passion and creativity shouldn’t be held back by decisions that feel distant and detached from the core values we all believe in.

I will be sticking around the 405th to see what comes of this, but i will be limiting my activity on the forums (not like i was terribly active anyway)

Though this may be the end of an era, the people in the community still stand, though under a new name. This doesnt change anything between any of us. i love and care about all the amazing people i have met within this community, and i plan on keeping in touch with everyone.
I am so sorry to hear this. To me, the 405th has always been such a stable, wonderful, friendly, and welcoming group ever since I joined nearly four years ago. It was made so no doubt thanks to the wonderful and experienced leadership of the Canadian Regiment and its battalions. Now that our leaders are all stepping away, I cannot help but feel like a loving family has been ripped apart. I am so so sad.

I have not interacted much with our forum owner, but the little I have gives me no reason to leave. I know our now former staff have their reasons for this departure, but I cannot leave. Please know that this does not make me your enemy! Of the folks I have interacted with I have had nothing but the most pleasant time. I look up to all of you and have tremendous respect for all of the work you have done for this community. For those of you I have met in person; I consider you a friend and I will always continue to do so. Especially you, Schankerz, you are my friend. I hope to continue to do all the fun things friends do together like going to conventions, playing games together, doing photoshoots, and Christmas gift exchanges. You'll see me in both communities most likely.

My heart has been broken tonight. It's so sad that there is someone somewhere, who has built a halo suit using the resources of the 405th, and will not be extended the same invitation I was extended when I joined to be part of the Canadian regiment. When I joined the Canadian regiment I found a real treasure. Seeing the words "Disband the Canadian Regiment" literally brought me to tears.

Goodbye friends, ttyl!
If you’d like an idea of the interactions we have had with him, see the posts above, remove the spaces from the link I provided just above your post. It isn’t light reading, but it is highly informative.

I would also like to note that since those interactions, Art has stepped back into the shadows, I’m sure he’ll surface again at some point in a few years and cause more harm.

Someone I was talking to compared his actions to an abusive father who leaves the family for a pack of smokes but stops back in now and again to provide hope that maybe he’ll return and be involved in our lives, just to rough us up, steal all the valuables and pawn them. I’m not going to say I completely agree with the analogy. But I don’t entirely disagree either.

I’m tired of having a person that brings that type of energy to my life. Thus, we exit.
I'm deeply saddened by the news that the Canadian Regiment is stepping down. It feels like we've lost a valuable part of what makes the 405th special — that shared passion and support across borders that once bound us all together. The 405th was a place where cosplayers came not only for the incredible creations but for a sense of family and unity. Seeing that unravel due to leadership decisions made without transparency or regard for the community is disheartening.

The approach Art has taken to managing our community seems increasingly disconnected, and I can’t stand by as he imposes his will on an organization that is supposed to be about inclusivity and teamwork. We deserve leadership that’s open, listens, and holds itself accountable. A community built on passion and creativity shouldn’t be held back by decisions that feel distant and detached from the core values we all believe in.

I will be sticking around the 405th to see what comes of this, but i will be limiting my activity on the forums (not like i was terribly active anyway)

Though this may be the end of an era, the people in the community still stand, though under a new name. This doesnt change anything between any of us. i love and care about all the amazing people i have met within this community, and i plan on keeping in touch with everyone.
We’ve been waiting months for any sort of discussion. At this point they just want it to all go away and be forgotten without any repercussions.

But these are the repercussions. You’re losing chunks of your community.
Good morning, all. As requested by the RCO, I have removed all staff access for the members of this Regiment and associated Battalions. I thank you all for your service. It is unclear to me what your intent is with respect to your overall membership here, so I'll set out my expectations. You all are of course welcome to remain here for as little or as long as you'd like. I have never made anyone choose which Halo group they wanted to be a part of so you and anyone else are of course welcome to be here and part of whatever other groups you choose to be part of. However, if you choose to stay it is as a member of the 405th and not as a member of any other group simply here to advertise for another group. You've stated there is a new group. You've posted a link in a few spots to that group and those links will certainly stay. Those wishing to know more about your group can contact you privately outside of the 405th using that link. I ask that no further links are posted to that group and that you do not continue to advertise for that group. If your wish is to no longer be a member of the 405th, please let me know and I will take the steps to make that happen for you.
Good morning, all. As requested by the RCO, I have removed all staff access for the members of this Regiment and associated Battalions. I thank you all for your service. It is unclear to me what your intent is with respect to your overall membership here, so I'll set out my expectations. You all are of course welcome to remain here for as little or as long as you'd like. I have never made anyone choose which Halo group they wanted to be a part of so you and anyone else are of course welcome to be here and part of whatever other groups you choose to be part of. However, if you choose to stay it is as a member of the 405th and not as a member of any other group simply here to advertise for another group. You've stated there is a new group. You've posted a link in a few spots to that group and those links will certainly stay. Those wishing to know more about your group can contact you privately outside of the 405th using that link. I ask that no further links are posted to that group and that you do not continue to advertise for that group. If your wish is to no longer be a member of the 405th, please let me know and I will take the steps to make that happen for you.
Thanks for being kind and understanding FANGS. I understand there could be a lot of negative emotions with all of this. I know you might not be interested in joining the new group now or ever, but please know that you are of course always welcome within any group that we form.

If you choose to rebuild Canadian, I wish you nothing but the best. If not, we will ensure that there is always a Halo community in Canada where folks are welcome, heard, and no ownership will force any decision that is against community wishes.

We appreciate you letting the links stay, if you think they aren’t appropriate, we are totally fine with removing them, please just let us know.

I recognize that you have been put in a bunch of terrible, uncomfortable, and less than optimal situations throughout all of this. For that I am truly sorry. I know you’ve tried your best with the worst. Please know that we have nothing but love for you and all you try to do.

I’ll be continuing to lurk and speak out against any hate within the 405th, as I genuinely want to protect and preserve happiness for many of my friends that will continue to reside here. Having bad apples rot the bushel isn’t cool. I’ll probably get bit by venomous snakes while pulling out a few of the bad apples. It is likely inevitable that I’ll get banned, I’m cool with that fate and accept it with my whole heart. I wish you and yours nothing but delicious apples.
As a former RCO who led this regiment for several years, this saddens me to see the team dissolve. While I understand all frustrations from both sides, one thing I strived to keep was neutrality and to make everyone feel welcome while respect differences.

As this has been made public, I will finally say that I stepped down as RCO in 2022 because I received no help while I was disrespected and harassed by members during the pandemic, including my own staff. I'm a healthcare worker who did everything to keep the peace during times of uncertainty, yet I was shunned and cast aside by my own regiment because of everyone else's fear. While I still held a leadership role. [Apologies in advance, but seeing everyone step down now is disappointing. I expected better and more unified teamwork.]

I held out hope that people would one day see that no one within the 405th is actively working against them. I held out hope until I knew no one would actually sit down and talk it out, it was easier to leave. (I didn't want to do this, but I was left with no alternative.)
Hearing this news now feels like a double-edged sword.

You claim unity yet at the same time, have no issues fighting other members who may hold differing views, opinions.

I expected better, and pray that everyone can work out their differences rather than allow initial emotions to get the better of them.

Art Andrews' post back in June was not an attack on the pride community. As a former RCO for Canada, I understood where he was coming from based on legal terms. The 405th is a brand, and legally we aren't allowed to change the logos. Something I memorized from my time on staff and discussions with others in my position.
We could've found more creative ways to showcase support while still following the 405th rules and guidelines.
It wasn't an attack because everyone was still celebrated and allowed to do as they please.

Both staff members & division staff also work full time jobs, so physical help shouldn't always be expected for limitations like french translations with Montreal. It's unfortunate, yes, but if it means that battalions take a step back for a short while with booth work, then that's what you do. It sucks, but there's ways to still work together until the problem can be solved. :)

All I ever expected from staff was consistent professionalism, grace, and the will to put aside personal biases to help move this regiment forward, not give up when things got tough and disrespect members for not sharing the same belief system.

That's what diversity is about - differences. Cultural, religious, personal, etc...and the 405th mantle for unity has been cast aside.

I stepped down because not even my own team was willing to work things out when I tried to settle differences and keep everyone respectful towards each other. If everyone's going to be upset over the issues mentioned in the file, then you must also own the damages done based on personal biases against fellow members. (It's not just me, but others from other regiments as well.)

I believe that Canada can move forward in a better light once everyone calms down and sees reason, but it may take some time.

If anyone wants to talk or has questions, I'm here.

I hold no ill will against anyone, but this needed to be said from someone who helped bring this regiment to life all those years ago. [even though it's a condensed version of what could be shared.]
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It's great to see how so many people miss the entire point of what we are leaving for. we clearly explained multiple times. The issue is the leader being a dictator. It's not directly centered on the pride logo.

For the French limitations, we clearly had offered to help in any way but I believe that we were constantly told that they would do it, but ended up never having returns on the subject. Considering it's a LAW issue on this, I believe it should have been taken more seriously.

We ended up giving up and making our own visuals after MONTHS of waiting, but then we got yelled at for doing that? What a joke.

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