Chuck's Pepakura Armor (7-17: Disaster Strikes)

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Chuck 126

Jr Member
Hi everyone, first time poster here, but I've been following these boards for a few weeks. I'm not a huge fan of Halo, but like it enough to want to make a cheap-o set of Mjolnir armor, so I've been primarily interested in the Pepakura armoring method.

Here's my progress so far. I've built the torso (scaled down to about 80%), and bisected it in the way I deemed appropriate so I can strap it later.


You might notice that I've color coded the valleys and mountains with red and blue pens, respectively. This served a dual purpose of scoring the lines before folding so I didn''t have to do it with something sharp.


Yes, you can see the tape. That's what I used to hold it together. I tried glue first with no success, and besides, I plan on covering it up so I hardly think it matters.


Here you see that I've lined the inside with several layers of duct tape (as you can see, I wasn't too worried about neatness at this point). I tried paper mache first and ended up with warped armor. The duct tape does its job of maintaining the armor's shape and gives it some nice weight too. Yes, I could have done this with fiberglass but I'm very cheap and I also know that fiberglass is made from dead kittens and the souls of the damned.

The next step is a quick coat of resin spray when it arrives in the mail. Once I have something solid to work with, I can detail, pad and strap from there. Best thing is if I screw up, I've only wasted like 50 cents worth of material so far.
see, you got the idea of scoring the lines!!! good for you.

Other people just try to straight up fold the lines and they end up coming out as crap.

Nice job so far.
Nice work Chuck, good to have you here!

and I also know that fiberglass is made from dead kittens and the souls of the damned. forgot orphan tears... :mrgreen:
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Thanks all.

I've done a bit of work since my last post. I printed out the helmet, again scaled to about 80%, and began assembling last night. Took up my entire Saturday, but hey, if we had social lives we wouldn't be sitting at home playing pretend with paper armor, right? *sigh*

Anyway, a couple of pictures. This one is a bit messier than my torso armor because I have trouble with the small seams but I think it's all right.



I marked off in yellow and revised in brown what I thought I should remove to put in a mirrored visor, but since the picture was taken I've again revised slightly using the next picture as a reference.


I'm going to have to remove some bits at the bottom so my head can fit in. I haven't figured out whether or not to remove the pieces before or after I reinforce. On one hand, they'll be easier to remove beforehand but I might want them for structural support in the meantime.

Either way, this piece is getting set aside with the torso until my resin spray shows up in the mail.
dont remove them yet, wait till you glass it then cut them off so you can get a clearner edge
Im going to have to re-do my helmet. I might use that scoring technique to do so. it seems to work better than cutting small slits in the paper.
Man.. i still cant get over your seemingly perfect folds and dimensions...

Did you use a ruler and a razor knife to cut the peices out? I tried that for a while, but then gave up and used scissors.
Ultima said:
Man.. i still cant get over your seemingly perfect folds and dimensions...

Did you use a ruler and a razor knife to cut the peices out? I tried that for a while, but then gave up and used scissors.
Thank you, but they're not even close to perfect. They're just good enough.

For the folds, I used the scoring method that Iceman29 wrote a tutorial for:

For the cuts, I used scissors. I have one of the hefty, manly spring-loaded pairs because regular scissors hurt my hands after about 2 seconds. They aren't great for detail but as long as you get your folds pretty close and take your time assembling, Pepakura is somewhat forgiving. Still, I'm thinking about picking up one of the small spring-loaded pairs intended for precision cutting.
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thats what I have, the spring loaded scissors, its like heaven because you can cut for hours and your hands don't kill.

I still can't believe people try to fold without using the scoring method. :unsure:
Iceman29 said:
I still can't believe people try to fold without using the scoring method. :unsure:
I didn't score on the first two pieces that I attempted (the forearm and the belt, which both ended up being too large). It's doable, but you really have to take your time, make sure you get each fold right the first time and smooth it out after each fold. I decided that the scoring, though tedious, made the process go a lot quicker.
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