So im going to mold using Pepakura. woot.
So let me know if im right with my steps here. Using card stock, you make the frame using pepakura. Pouring the resin into the cardstock and let it harden, while if I want place intervals of fibreglass to harden the surface. Then when it hardens, paint over the card stock and im basically finished. TWO THINGS.
ONE= I know im missing something, otherwise its always easier then i thought.
TWO= how many gallons of Resin will i need for an enitre suit? im 6 feet tall with a prett big build if you want to knwo for scaling. and if you know, how much would the fibreglass cost? tahnks a lot guys,
So let me know if im right with my steps here. Using card stock, you make the frame using pepakura. Pouring the resin into the cardstock and let it harden, while if I want place intervals of fibreglass to harden the surface. Then when it hardens, paint over the card stock and im basically finished. TWO THINGS.
ONE= I know im missing something, otherwise its always easier then i thought.
TWO= how many gallons of Resin will i need for an enitre suit? im 6 feet tall with a prett big build if you want to knwo for scaling. and if you know, how much would the fibreglass cost? tahnks a lot guys,