Creating vacuum form buck

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New Member
Hey armorsmiths!

So im a bit stuck, and wondering what exactly you guys do to create vacuum form bucks? Theres a few threads along similar lines here, as well as some links from searching the net, but im struggling to find the process im looking for.

So i'm attempting to make a buck for an odst visor, and i have an stl model of the visor itself, but what do i do with that in order to come to a final product capable of being used in my thermoformer? Im capable of printing whatever and acquiring anything i would need to use, im just lost in what im doing here.

Any and all help is immensely appreciated!
When I vacuum form I just 3d print the visor buck out in the orientation it will be formed in with a 0% support angle. This will make a solid buck that has no overhangs. I finish the buck as I would any print: spot putty, filler primer, sanding, paint. Then I'm ready to use it as a buck! I can get 3-4 good pulls from a PLA buck before it starts to warp too much. lmk if you have questions!
When I vacuum form I just 3d print the visor buck out in the orientation it will be formed in with a 0% support angle. This will make a solid buck that has no overhangs. I finish the buck as I would any print: spot putty, filler primer, sanding, paint. Then I'm ready to use it as a buck! I can get 3-4 good pulls from a PLA buck before it starts to warp too much. lmk if you have questions!
That's actually along the lines of what i was envisioning originally before digging through everything, but started doubting the effectiveness, glad its actually that simple! What kind of support settings/density do you use so the suction doesnt affect them? Is it best to form straight on for a visor or can it be cocked at a pretty good angle and still get good results? And you mention painting it, is this just to further remove imperfections from the surface that would otherwise transfer to the petg or is there another reason?
Thanks so much for the help!
I paint it so because I find it seals the primer and bondo in a bit. Otherwise you might get dust on the plastic. When orienting, remember that the plastic will stretch. The taller your buck is, the thinner the plastic will be. I usually form straight on so that the plastic is evenly thin. I do 20% infill for support. I have a video on YT of my visor making process, you can get a good idea of how I prepare my bucks there!

Hope this helps!
I paint it so because I find it seals the primer and bondo in a bit. Otherwise you might get dust on the plastic. When orienting, remember that the plastic will stretch. The taller your buck is, the thinner the plastic will be. I usually form straight on so that the plastic is evenly thin. I do 20% infill for support. I have a video on YT of my visor making process, you can get a good idea of how I prepare my bucks there!

Hope this helps!
Huge help, thanks for sharing the video!
I paint it so because I find it seals the primer and bondo in a bit. Otherwise you might get dust on the plastic. When orienting, remember that the plastic will stretch. The taller your buck is, the thinner the plastic will be. I usually form straight on so that the plastic is evenly thin. I do 20% infill for support. I have a video on YT of my visor making process, you can get a good idea of how I prepare my bucks there!

Hope this helps!
*My reply here is a placeholder because i cant delete my reply, i had an additional question, but figured out something i'll try* *also, completely unintentional rhyming*
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