Fan Expo Dallas (June 7-9th 2024)


FAN EXPO Dallas I A three day weekend offering big family-friendly events, bigger workshops, and huge world-renowned celebrities.

One of the biggest conventions in Texas is back again this year and we have quite a few people wanting to attend! Unfortunately we WILL have a booth at this convention. However that doesn't stop us from going in our favorite sci-fi military suits!

If you are able to go please respond as you are tentative for the days you will be attending. More details such as where we are meeting and how things are going to work will release soon. As for now we just need a headcount for who is going.

I hope to see you wonderful people there!
- ImBlaze

(Edit) The image you see will be our meeting spot for Friday and Saturday morning. We have a group Photoshoot at 8 am on Saturday as for Friday please try to be there around 10 am!


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I’m excited to see everyone! I spoke to a photographer for our photoshoot, the timeline is to do it on Saturday morning starting at 8, so aim to be there before then. The location is still being determined, but for a meetup point, my best idea is the entrance to the Omni Bridge
FAN EXPO Dallas I A three day weekend offering big family-friendly events, bigger workshops, and huge world-renowned celebrities.

One of the biggest conventions in Texas is back again this year and we have quite a few people wanting to attend! Unfortunately we WILL have a booth at this convention. However that doesn't stop us from going in our favorite sci-fi military suits!

If you are able to go please respond as you are tentative for the days you will be attending. More details such as where we are meeting and how things are going to work will release soon. As for now we just need a headcount for who is going.

I hope to see you wonderful people there!
- ImBlaze
I’m bringing Master Chief !
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