First build - ODST


New Member
Hey y’all glad to be apart of the community! Not long ago I started my childhood dream of making an ODST armour set , so far I have most of the upper body and forearms all 3D printed. Unfortunately my 3D printer is too small to print the lower armour so I’m debating on switching to foam for the legs. Any advice on how to make it look less… patchy? Maybe some extra padding around the chest and hips? What do you all do for the neck area?


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I would wear a balaclava underneath the helmet in order to cover up the skin of your neck. Also, for 3D printers that aren't large enough to print pieces in one go, you can use programs to split your 3d models into multiple parts and then glue/weld them together once they are printed.

To make your armor feel more "filled out" while keeping with the accuracy of ODSTs, I think I would start with using foam to make the large straps that connect the top of the breastplate to the back, which rest on your shoulders. They cover a large amount of area, as well as widening your silhouette.
Hey y’all glad to be apart of the community! Not long ago I started my childhood dream of making an ODST armour set , so far I have most of the upper body and forearms all 3D printed. Unfortunately my 3D printer is too small to print the lower armour so I’m debating on switching to foam for the legs. Any advice on how to make it look less… patchy? Maybe some extra padding around the chest and hips? What do you all do for the neck area?
That looks awesome! i agree with APMuffin, a balaclava would definitely add to the look along with those straps. if you got some sort of tactical vest or plate carrier to go under the breastplate and such it may add some depth to the whole thing, kinda give it a more tactical look. i see you have the rounds around your arm and across your chest so it would match really well in my opinion. though it's up to you if you want to do that, just a suggestion!

on another note, i really love how you painted your armor! what did you do to get that gunmetal gray look? im working on an ODST at the moment and am looking for inspiration on how to do the base color for it.
I would wear a balaclava underneath the helmet in order to cover up the skin of your neck. Also, for 3D printers that aren't large enough to print pieces in one go, you can use programs to split your 3d models into multiple parts and then glue/weld them together once they are printed.

To make your armor feel more "filled out" while keeping with the accuracy of ODSTs, I think I would start with using foam to make the large straps that connect the top of the breastplate to the back, which rest on your shoulders. They cover a large amount of area, as well as widening your silhouette.
A balaclava is a good idea actually! I’ll have to find some good ventilation options since it already gets hot under the helmet as is lol. I’ll give the foam straps a go too thank you
That looks awesome! i agree with APMuffin, a balaclava would definitely add to the look along with those straps. if you got some sort of tactical vest or plate carrier to go under the breastplate and such it may add some depth to the whole thing, kinda give it a more tactical look. i see you have the rounds around your arm and across your chest so it would match really well in my opinion. though it's up to you if you want to do that, just a suggestion!

on another note, i really love how you painted your armor! what did you do to get that gunmetal gray look? im working on an ODST at the moment and am looking for inspiration on how to do the base color for it.
Actually right now I’m running the chest piece attached to a vest already here’s a closer look!

And thank you for the painting I did a base coat of metallic silver and then did another layer with metallic dark metal spray paint


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Actually right now I’m running the chest piece attached to a vest already here’s a closer look!

And thank you for the painting I did a base coat of metallic silver and then did another layer with metallic dark metal spray paint
Can I ask what vest that is?
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