First Build(s) - Halo 2 classic weapons


New Member
Hi everyone, this is my first post here. I got interested in the cosplay scene after going to HCS in Seattle, and having gotten a printer for Christmas I figured now would be a great time for my first actual build.
Right now I’m still modeling the actual rifle, in blender. Any tips are appreciated as I’m relatively inexperienced with this sort of modeling style.
Hoping to have the model finished in about a week? Then I need to do some testing on the best way to assemble before doing the full print. I’m going to try to incorporate magnets into the barrel and the magazine so they will removable.
Managed to find the exact scope that WETA used for landfall, the Bushnell 1x28 Trophy scope. While it is unfortunately out of production I found a lucky bid on ebay, so that should make a nice addition to the build.

The scope in question.

Compared to Landfall

Hopefully it looks good, since my BR is not the same scale as WETAs was.

(Rough scale mockup)
Welcome aboard!

You don't see a lot of new people... (just got a printer for Christmas)... jumping right to modeling. I have to say your screen shots look darned impressive, as does your attention to detail and finding the same 'found parts' is.

I think a lot of us will be keeping an eye on you.
Welcome aboard!

You don't see a lot of new people... (just got a printer for Christmas)... jumping right to modeling. I have to say your screen shots look darned impressive, as does your attention to detail and finding the same 'found parts' is.

I think a lot of us will be keeping an eye on you.
Thank you, I’ve been doing blender for a few years so my modeling skills are pretty developed, just not for 3D printing specifically.

To be completely honest, I got most of the way to finding the scope through a thread here, and ended up finding another model that was an exact match.

Thank you very much!
I am so damn impressed by this so far, but I have to know, will you be making the files available somewhere for free or paid? I'd absolutely love to add this to my weapon rack one day!
I echo Sigma's comments on quality and adding it to my armory.
To that end... Just sharing something I look for these days is functionality, modularity and proper parts breaks.
Its nice when the muzzle break actually threads on and off and is interchangeable with other break styles.
Removable magazine, working trigger, sliding bolt, etc.
The black heat guard held by the phillips screws being its own part makes it easier to print and finish, versus just being modeled in grooves that add to sanding and masking labor etc.
I echo Sigma's comments on quality and adding it to my armory.
To that end... Just sharing something I look for these days is functionality, modularity and proper parts breaks.
Its nice when the muzzle break actually threads on and off and is interchangeable with other break styles.
Removable magazine, working trigger, sliding bolt, etc.
The black heat guard held by the phillips screws being its own part makes it easier to print and finish, versus just being modeled in grooves that add to sanding and masking labor etc.
Yesss. I specifically wanted that heat guard to be removeable, mainly for aesthetics but also printing. The barrel will be completely removeable, although just having the muzzle break screwed on could be interesting as well.

Progress update:
Started on a M6C sidearm because why not!
I echo Sigma's comments on quality and adding it to my armory.
To that end... Just sharing something I look for these days is functionality, modularity and proper parts breaks.
Its nice when the muzzle break actually threads on and off and is interchangeable with other break styles.
Removable magazine, working trigger, sliding bolt, etc.
The black heat guard held by the phillips screws being its own part makes it easier to print and finish, versus just being modeled in grooves that add to sanding and masking labor etc.
I'm a little weary about moving triggers, since a lot of cons will turn you away if your prop has that, but I agree seeing this with a removable mag, sliding bolt, and all the other goodies would be awesome.

Yesss. I specifically wanted that heat guard to be removeable, mainly for aesthetics but also printing. The barrel will be completely removeable, although just having the muzzle break screwed on could be interesting as well.

Progress update:
Started on a M6C sidearm because why not!View attachment 356201
And an M6C! You are on fire! Keep up the great work!
Maybe have a pin you could insert to stop it from moving?
That could totally work! You could model in a spot for a threaded insert, hex nut, square nut, or something else a little more permanent to make it so that the trigger "pin" was actually a bolt that couldn't be removed without the use of a hex key or screwdriver. That would certainly make it con-friendly!
I am so damn impressed by this so far, but I have to know, will you be making the files available somewhere for free or paid? I'd absolutely love to add this to my weapon rack one day!
I could probably upload them somewhere once I finish. No sense in making people pay for (to be honest here because I’m not great at modeling for 3D printing) just alright files.
That could totally work! You could model in a spot for a threaded insert, hex nut, square nut, or something else a little more permanent to make it so that the trigger "pin" was actually a bolt that couldn't be removed without the use of a hex key or screwdriver. That would certainly make it con-friendly!
Definitely a good idea! I’ll see if I can incorporate it.
Maybe have a pin you could insert to stop it from moving?
Maybe a working `Safety` selector that blocks the trigger movement when on `Safe`.
That way there's nothing to loose.

> I'm a little weary about moving triggers, since a lot of cons will turn you away if your prop has that,

Really? Where have you seen that? Let's see... You're Midwest... Let me guess: Illinois doing that?
I'm in AU, an entire anti-gun country and have not encountered that-In Queensland anyway. So many NERF guns with working triggers - Instead they confirm there's no darts so you can't be shooting other guests and being a general annoyance.
Found a possible solution for my slide problem. Can stick a ~9mm spring (need to resize it) in this hole and that will allow it to spring back after being racked. (Sorry if this is improper terminology)

Only thing I am unsure about is keeping the slide secured to the main frame/body and not breaking printed pieces from too much pressure on them.

Quite happy with how it's coming along so far, mainly focusing on actual mechanics before adding details.
After watching a glock disassembly video my slide problem has been rectified, can just use some rails to keep it from falling off.

Also got a few more pieces modeled in!

Also, I wanted to keep the sights attached with magnets but I was told it would likely not be a good idea if I want to be able to move the slide, do you guys have any experience/suggestions on this? I don't mind the sights not being removeable.
Ok, took a bit of a break and decided to print some files I had laying around (not made for 3d printing) and it turned out ehhh...alright.

Let's just call it a test print.

This was printed in 2 pieces in 1 go (because I was impatient). I'm definitely going to print vertically next time. Oh yeah, this is also the good side that didn't have supports. :(
Good learning experience though.

Do you guys think this is worth the time and effort to sand and paint?
Personally, no. I’d save it though, use it as a test pieces for paints! In the future, I’d suggest cutting in half and printing it that way so both sides come out nice. You use Bambu Studio right? They’ve got an awesome cut tool built in that even allows for the addition of connectors to be added
Personally, no. I’d save it though, use it as a test pieces for paints! In the future, I’d suggest cutting in half and printing it that way so both sides come out nice. You use Bambu Studio right? They’ve got an awesome cut tool built in that even allows for the addition of connectors to be added
Yeah cutting it in half could work. A lot more time for printing unfortunately. Would it be easier to just print vertically?

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