First halo fdm armor build and im struggling finding high quality 3d models


New Member
Hello I'm new to the community while i do have some armor printing experience so scaling is not an issue for me (ive attached one set of armor ive made) finding files for everything is rough and after looking for a few hours i cant seem to find integral parts of my in game infinite armor set,

Currently I'm missing a high quality security shoulder, most I've seen have harsh edges and have somewhat inaccurate modeling and I'm not one to settle on a lower quality model if someone out there is able to help me find a better one,

next I cant seem to find the chest attachment for this eaglestrike core or the knee shovels,

also is there any stls available for prosthetic legs of any set i am willing to settle for any as i like the smaller shins compared to the thighs and i personally do not like eaglestrike shins or boots.

and finally I've looked for a while but it finding a flight suit with this camo pattern is harder than expected

while i do have the game assets for the eaglestrike set and knee shovels i would like to find someone proficient in blender to apply the in game displacement map texture i also have onto the files to make the models have the depth and detail they do in game.

if anyone has sat through all this any and all help is greatly appreciated point me in as many directions as possible


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i have all the files required to make a printable version of exactly what i need, i just need to apply a displacement map on them and decimate it i just have zero idea how to do that in blender.


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woke up this morning and figured out the blender issue very quickly now i have real geometry from the normal map so i can just print it YAYYYY


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