G4 E3 Booth Babe Contest

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Hello fellow members.

I've got a big favor to ask of all of you. A week ago, I sent in an audition video for the G4 E3 Booth Babe contest. And now I'm in the finals.

I could really use your votes. If you have a G4 membership, or wouldn't mind getting one just for this occasion, please go here, http://upload.g4tv.com/e32010/boothbabesearch and give me stars. Lots and lots of stars. I'm April Martin, just look for the Mk VI helmet.

That's awesome your in the finals!

I only just recently saw this on AOTS haha, but you just got yourself some moar starz. :lol
Hmmm, so you did decide to go through with being a booth babe just to go to E3 I see.

Best of luck, you've got my vote!
HaloFreakX said:
Hmmm, so you did decide to go through with being a booth babe just to go to E3 I see.

Best of luck, you've got my vote!

After some serious thinking, I figured that a few days walking around in whatever outfit they might put me in would be more than worth it for all the smoozing I'd get to do. Can't be any worse than what I go through at a normal con... I hope.
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Just voted and kinda made a threat about Chief getting mad if they didn't pick you. I hope you get it.


and then I will send my Army of Spartan IIIs.

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if you don't win i'll have to hunt them down with my insanely massive reach sniper rifle(no i didnt scale it up its just that big), and then they'll be sorry
Thanks everyone for voting for me! I really appreciate it! My brother Zukazan does too because he'll be the one going with me if I get selected. lol

Also, thanks for the nice comments. I was reading through them and they made me grin.

Even the ones telling me to put my helmet back on. Of course, I'm sure that none of those came from here.
moonwildflower said:
Even the ones telling me to put my helmet back on. Of course, I'm sure that none of those came from here.

Actually April you're right none of those hateful comments came from here, actually that HATER was supporting another person and i guess that he is only supporting the other girl because he wants to go along. Still theres no need for that.

Anyways tell us how it go's and how exactly do you win?
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