Props Giveaway Magnum Build [Soon to be Pick Heavy]

First Strike

Active Member
Hi everyone!,
It's been a hot minute i beg forgiveness however life ebbs and flows. Anyhow pictured below is the progress/steps on building a Halo Reach Magnum. i'm working on 2 for giveaway winners from my Instagram:

Step 1: [The Template]
The Template, as well as process is inspired and created by Andrew DFT. After securing the template i brought it into photoshop and scale the template on a blank document that is scaled to in cannon measurements. if i were scaling this to myself I'd set it against an 8.5 by 11 in canvas size, and scale until the template's grip looks to fit my hand.

Step 2: [Transcribing to foam]
After cutting the template from the paper, i transcribe it to the 8mm foam. i pick and choose certain portions to cut away from the main template to work on as separate pieces. [See second picture]

Step 3: [Freeing "Buck" from Foam]
For my version/process i usually cut b/w 3-4 bucks or blanks of the magnum. 1 for safety 3 for the 3 main layers. my magnums are comprised of 2 outer layers , and a single inner layer. the inner layer will eventually have a hollow for a removable magazine. stay tuned!

Pictures: Apologies, I'm not sure if I'm posting them wrong but it says my pictures are too large. going forward the pictures will be titled to match their steps and I'll be sure to make mention/marks on the pictures for specific reference.


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Tonight's post covers Making the inner layer have more interactivity,, as well as starting the "Jaw" section of the magnum.

Step 1) Stenciling the Magwell [See Pictures labeled "Stenciling Magwell 1, and 2]
This is probably the easiest portion of the build. after you cut away the "Mag" section of your Magnum stencil you will see indentations going up from the bottom of your buck. from here mark there those indentations start [Pic 1] remove your template and carry those lines up to about the top of the grip as seen in picture two. as you carry the lines up begin tapering the line closest to the back of the grip [Reference pic 2 again] this taper will help us in the assembly section for more connection between the layers. once complete it should look like picture 2.

Step 2) Free Mag from Inner Buck [See picture labeled Free the Mag]
Here get your hobby knife and begin cutting. for the cleanest edges ensure your knife is sharp. for crisper lines i tend to find cutting top - bottom yields the best results to free the main body of your magazine. To free the top i cut from the center and left, then center to right. seeing as we will be leaving less support material cutting from the center mitigates the chances of ripping and tearing of either side.

Step 3) Creating Magazine Support Material [ See Pictures Stenciling Mag, Freeing wood from slate, and width of wood slate]
Here i have procured an 1/8th inch wood slate from Hobby Lobby. i do not remember the name of this wood however it is easily cuttable via boxcutter knives or even easier if you have a Dremel handy. I cut my piece via a box cutter due to my room mate being asleep and not wanting to wake them [i'm second shift currently] step one is to use the freed piece of foam from step 2 as your stencil for step 3. with a pen [Recommend ball point or finer if possible] trace your magazine out. after stenciling take multiple passes with a sharp knife to cut through the wood. taking multiple passes decreases chances of splintering. Once complete your piece should look close [but not exactly...results may vary] to "Freeing wood from slate" ref image.

Step 4) Gathering Magazine Components [See Ref Image Magnum Mag Components]
After test fitting my wood piece, and magazine from the inner buck together i realized that the pieces would be too thick without having to "Rout" one or both of the outter bucks. to combat this i made two more components. i used the same stencil to make similar size pieces out of 2mm foam and 6 mm high density foam. these 3 components together made the perfect test fit within the inner buck.

Step 5) Magnum Slide [See Ref Image Magnum Slide Components]
for this portion you want to remove the top slide portion from your template The angled "grill" pieces and the top iron sight "Hammer" piece. each should be separated into two component stencils. the body of this should be stenciled twice and mirrored onto your 8mm foam [I'm using floor mats but 8mm high density is perfect for this build too] and cut. the "grill" pieces and Iron Sight/Hammer pieces should be cut from 6mm high density [See the grey pieces in the Ref Image] you will need sharp knives to get clean grill cuts. after your pieces are cut reserve to the side for later assembly.

Step 6) Creating the Magnum's Jaw [See Ref Pictures Magnum Jaw Bucks, and Magnum Jaw]
For this portion you are to free the "Jaw" template from the magnum ending up with the piece pictured in "Magnum Jaw Bucks" trace the outer most edge of this piece 3 times, reversing one for the 2 outer, single inner most layer. you wont need to do this if you are using High Density will if you are using floor mats. after you cut one outer layer buck it is recommended to test fit it to an outer layer magnum buck. Test fit to ensure that there are little to no gaps. there will be beveling on these pieces as well as raised and lowered details. at this step you can also test fit/see the components of your slide against the outer buck. see picture [Magnum Jaw] for reference.

That's what i have for my second post thus far! this is coming along nicely and i cannot wait to start all the beveling and detail additions! i tend to build/cut all my pieces and then assemble later...this method of assembly doesn't work for everyone but for getting back into the swing of things with my new work/sleep schedule it keeps me motivated. Thanks for tuning in!


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Hey All! here is part 3. Apologies for the wait work has been crazy. Last we left things off the "Jaw" of the magnum as well as other details were cut and roughed out. now for more detail pieces!

Step 1) Stenciling Jaw Detail [Ref: Jaw Stencil, and Cut Jaw Stencil]
Recover your Jaw section stencil and free it from the outer most lines and inner details. Removing these sections will help create interesting and interactive negative space.

Step 2) Transfer to 2mm Foam [Ref: Jaw Detail 2mm Foam]
After making the stencil transfer the freed section to 2mm foam. Utilize the foam to make a registration line onto the Jaw Buck, pictured in Ref material.

Step 3) 2nd level details [Ref: Jaw Stencil 2nd breakdown,, Finished Raised Detail, and Play Tested Detail]
Once the first level raised detail is complete, further breakdown your stencil [See Jaw Stencil 2nd Breakdown and Play tested detail] i ended up actually breaking it down further than in the 2nd breakdown [see Play tested detail, paper stencil in top right of image] once your stencil is cut, transfer to another piece of 2mm foam. for me personally it is better to have separate colors for visual management and contrast, however this is a personal preference and is not required. i always also recommend play testing/fitting your detail pieces. this may help you decide if you want this to be raised edges or scoured pieces, there are many schools of thought but as I'm not going for game accuracy this is on the creator's whim :). once complete your pieces should look similar to the two ref pics for this step!

Step 4) Magazine butt plate and details [Ref: Mag Stencil, Transfer, Free Mag Bottom and Detail Stencil, Stencil on 2mm foam, and Freed Mag Detail]
Whether you call it a mag bottom, butt, or butt-plate this is the section we are working with. if not already free the Mag Butt Plate from the main stencil and transfer to foam 2x since only 2 sides require the details[Ref Mag Stencil, Transfer]. Cut your pieces after transfer. reserve your stencil, and grab more 2mm foam (Shocker i know).
[See Ref: Free Mag Bottom and Detail Stencil, Stencil on 2mm foam, and freed mag detail] in these images you see the piece i cut from the mag stencil...kind of a weird sideways Italy boot right? so transfer this to your foam (I have a piece already complete and test fit to a magazine buttplate) you need 2 of these pieces as only the outer sides should have this detail.

Step 5) Stay with me, lol this is the last step for this part! [Ref: New Stencil Breakdown, Magnum Siding Detail, and Magnum Siding Freed]
Whew okay. welcome to the last step for this part. 1stly grab your magnum stencil and break it down [Ref New Stencil Breakdown] we will need the thinner middle section i am calling the "Magnum Siding". Transfer this piece to (who could have guessed...2mm foam) and then free your 2 pieces from the foam [Ref Magnum Siding Detail, and Siding Freed Pics]. I recommend utilizing something to weigh down the stencil as you go so the piece doesn't flop about if you are using printer paper and not card stock.

After that is complete...congrats! you made it to the last step and we are done. After this we have 2 more pieces to make and then we can go about prepping our surfaces for gluing! you guys are awesome, thanks for tuning in and liking the post. keep in mind this is my version of a foam magnum, this is the style of build i enjoy, by no means do i assert this is the best way. I hope you are having fun if you are following along!


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Buckle Up for Part 4!

Lets get the momentum back; had to take a break because work was excessive last week. hope everyone's Turkey Day [if celebrated] was safe and fun. We'll start with assembling the main body!

Step 1) Main Body Assembly [Ref Main Body Assembly 1-4, Main Body Assembly Fin, and Fin 2]
Starting off gather your Main Body bucks (Main Body Assembly 1) you should have your inner layer with the hollow for the magazine, and the two outer layers.
Step 2) Cut/Sand/Dremel off inner diamond pattern (Main Body Assembly 2)
This step is not necessary if you do not have diamond pattern foam
Step 3) Marking the Bucks (Main Body Assembly 3)
Mark the outer bucks with the Mag-well lines. utilize your inner buck as the template. These markings show us where to NOT put down contact cement.
Step 4) Assemble Your Bucks ( Ref Main Assembly 4)
Using the DAP contact cement (Barge also recommended) 1stly ensure you are in a well ventilated area, recommended that you have a respirator/or a mask as well. Apply a light layer to both sides being assembled. Follow specific directions of your brand of contact cement. I started with one inner and the outer layer. complete this twice, once for our first assembly, and once more for the last outer layer. Reserve full assembly to the side [Main Assembly Fin, and Fin 2] until other pieces are ready for attachment.

Okay! Let's Attach the Jaw pieces together

Step 1) Gather and process Bucks (Jaw Assembly 1, and 2)
Gather your bucks and cut/sand down the diamond texture [unnecessary if you use untextured foam]
Step 2) Mark off Glue points (Jaw Assembly 3)
On the inside, of your outer most layer of the "Jaw" Mark where you will be placing your glue. Assemble pieces in sequential order, remember to have the smooth sides out and the inner most should have been glued on both sides.
Step 3) Glue down detail pieces (Jaw Assembly 4)
now we have the main body of the "Jaw" assembled...get your detail pieces assembled as shown.

Cool, Time to Assemble the Magazine!!!

Step 1) Build the "Pommel" of the Mag (Ref Mag Assembly 1-6)
Gather your Mag "Pommel" Pieces and remove the diamond Pattern (Ref 1-3)
Step 2) Glue Pieces together (Ref Mag Assembly 3)
Mark for yourself where your glue should go the circled section is where i used for Hot glue but you will glue the whole surface when using Contact cement. personally at time of assembly i didnt have contact cement.
Step 3) Mag Details (Ref Mag Assembly 5-6)
Mark for yourself the attachment points for the outer details then glue in place
Step 4) Assemble Magazine Body (Ref Mag Assembly 7-17)
Starting off Gather your pieces and make a 1/4" line at the bottom of our hobby wood piece(Ref Mag Assembly 8). Up to this mark is where the wood will be sunk into the 2nd layer of foam (Ref Mag Assembly 9-10). Mark the Mag's glue point in the center layer. After this carve out that section of foam for our hobby wood piece. (Ref Mag Assembly 10). Apply glue to bottom and "Weld" The sides with hot glue (Mag Assembly 11-12) do this all 'round the mag to seat it and secure it. we should now be at Mag Assembly 13
Step 5) Assemble 2mm Foam to Wooden Slab (Ref Mag Assembly 14-17)
Mark Off Excess foam and cut off so it matches the wooden slab. Slice away excess material and glue to the wooden slab. repeat this step for the 6mm High Density Foam (Black). Once this step is complete it should look like Mag Assembly 17!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Closer and closer we get to being finished with this build and the build log! stay tuned!!!


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This project is really coming along! Thanks for the very detailed write up. I'm sure this thread will be a very useful resource for folks learning to craft with foam.
This project is really coming along! Thanks for the very detailed write up. I'm sure this thread will be a very useful resource for folks learning to craft with foam.
Thanks so much, that means a lot coming from someone with your skills! stay tuned i'm working on the next update now! (time of writing 11:47pmm 12/8/2024)
Part 5!

Thanks for keeping with it!

Lets Cut and Assemble the Magnum Shroud. [Ref Magnum Shroud 1 - Magnum Shroud Final Assembly 4]

Step 1:
Free the Shroud portion of the template from the main, stencil this on the high density black foam [Ref Magnum Shroud 1 & 2] cut 2 bucks[Ref Magnum Shroud 3], if using 8mm textured foam reverse and sand/cut texture from back before final assembly.

Step 2:
Separate the top portion of the stencil from the main [Ref Magnum Shroud 5]. Then Stencil new line on both Bucks [Ref Magnum Shroud 6] this line will inform us on how to bevel the shroud bucks on final assembly.

Step 3:
We need to bevel our Bucks. From step two carry the line from step two to the bottom opposite corner [Ref Magnum Shroud 7 & 8] now, using a very sharp, or re sharpened blade follow that angle that we stenciled, take your time. Your blade should be connecting the top line to the bottom corner as you slice. your final result will be [Magnum Shroud 9]

Step 4:
Time to attach the disparate pieces :). Using your glue source, contact cement or Hot glue, glue both sides and attach [Ref Magnum Shroud Final Assembly 1 & 3] if using contact cement, apply thin layers of glue and allow to dry to tackiness (will Vary based on brand and formulation). Once desired consistency is achieved take your time to pressure fit and place. final result is Final Assembly 4!

Great Job Spartans/Marines lets keep rocking on to the next assembly
You got a sneak peek in the above section but lets glue and attach our Magnum Jaw to the 3 layer buck!

Step 1:
Gather your Jaw section with detail siding attached and your 3 layer magnum buck.

Step 2:
[Ref Attaching the Jaw 1 - 7].
Apply Glue to the circled and shown sections in pictures [Attaching Jaw 1 - 5].

Step 3:
Allow your pieces to dry then pressure fit and place. Final result in pictures [Ref Attaching the Jaw 6 - 7]

Excellent! Try not to pretend to shoot hostiles and be exceptionally proud of yourself. Next assembly!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It may not have escaped your attention that we are missing our back slide of the magnum. Time to rectify this.

Step 1:
for my magnum build (Yours will/may vary) I have some excess foam in places. Physically place the slide piece on the empty space in the back and stencil the shape of the piece against the excess foam. [Ref Stencil Magnum Slide, and Mark Trim Points on Magnum 1, and 2] The circled sections denote where i had to trim.

Step 2:
we have some details and bevels to achieve to add some dimension and story to our magnum. [Ref Stencil Slide Detail, Bevel Slide Detail, and Stencil Score Lines]
Using similar methods on our shroud build Stencil your detail lines [Ref Stencil Detail]. In conjunction with step 1, after marking our lines with the stencil we will re-sharpen our blades and bevel down our details [Ref Bevel Slide Detail] you want to shave away enough that your outer layer bucks bevel into the inner layer. After this, you want to mark scoring lines for yourself before paint [Ref Stencil Score Lines]. once you do take a sharp blade and cut in just enough for the tip to pierce into the foam, follow your lines, take your time.

Step 3:
After our trimming, beveling, and scoring time to get gluing. [Ref Glue Points for Magnum Slide 1 & 2] the circled sections in the reference pictures are where you should be applying your glue. keep careful note, the "Tooth" of the magnum slide [the portion attached to the "Hammer'] needs glue as well as a small part of the top of the slide.

Step 4:
Time to Assemble. Using the skills utilized in earlier sections of this update, apply your glue and your slide is assembled!

With this section complete we have to attach our magnum siding, as well as the hand grips.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For sake of brevity we will see the siding attached [Green 2mm foam] attached in the final assembly pictures attached!

Handguard Assembly!

Step 1: Stencil and Transfer [Ref Handguard Stencil, & Handguard]
After freeing the pictured section from your main template[Ref Handguard Stencil], transfer the shape to the High Density foam and cut 2 pieces flipping 1 [Ref Handguard]

Step 2: Magplate Separation [Ref Magplate Separation]
From the inner portion of the stencil you want to free the pictured section from the handguard. we will use this to stencil out our beveling points for later sanding.

Step 3: Magplate Detail [Ref Handguard Magplate 1 & 2, and Separated Magplate]
Take the inner separated detail stencil[Handguard Magplate 1]. Process it further by removing the inner circle [Handguard Magplate 2]. Once stenciling to 2mm foam is complete, cut and release 2 magplate pieces [Separated Magplate].

Step 4:
Lets assemble. [Ref Stencil Handguard Position, Apply Glue to Handguard and Magnum]
take our pieces, and one at a time mark their position on the grip portion [Stencil Handguard Position]. After this is completed by both pieces apply glue to the handguard, and the grip [Apply Glue to Handguard and Magnum]]
From here a lot of the following sanding and painting is on you! look at the prop you made and be proud! look at references for your own desired details and paints!!! here is the finished piece for me after sanding and in some natural light! i'll be updating once i get some hands on paint and after gap filling! Check out the Completed Assembly pictures 1-6.


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I agree with N8, this is a great resource for anyone who wants to make a foam weapon (which I do, so I don't have to be too concerned about dropping it accidentally, lol). Thanks for this!
Thanks so much! I'm glad this can be of use for you! I'm in the 405th discord so if you have a question and I don't get to it here feel free to reach out!
Thanks so much! I'm glad this can be of use for you! I'm in the 405th discord so if you have a question and I don't get to it here feel free to reach out!
Much appreciated! I'm still in planning stages (I was hoping to start building armour this winter but I'm not sure if other commitments are going to allow enough time for that!) but I will absolutely reach out.
Much appreciated! I'm still in planning stages (I was hoping to start building armour this winter but I'm not sure if other commitments are going to allow enough time for that!) but I will absolutely reach out.
Sorry for the late reply my notifications are NOT working. My best recommendation is finding small pieces or props to start with. Take your time with them and get your feet wet at a pace that is comfy!!!
Sorry for the late reply my notifications are NOT working. My best recommendation is finding small pieces or props to start with. Take your time with them and get your feet wet at a pace that is comfy!!!
No worries! And I absolutely will start small. I've done some foam work before so I'm not a complete newbie, but it's been quite a few years, lol. I'm planning on probably starting with boots/shins so I can start with a part people won't see as much. Now I just need to actually pick an amour to do - there are too many options!
No worries! And I absolutely will start small. I've done some foam work before so I'm not a complete newbie, but it's been quite a few years, lol. I'm planning on probably starting with boots/shins so I can start with a part people won't see as much. Now I just need to actually pick an amour to do - there are too many options!
Nice! Finding your look is a big portion of your first armor for sure. my best recommendation? play around in Master Chief Collection armor customizer for awhile. that's how i exactly cemented my first suit's design! can't wait to see your progress!!!
Nice! Finding your look is a big portion of your first armor for sure. my best recommendation? play around in Master Chief Collection armor customizer for awhile. that's how i exactly cemented my first suit's design! can't wait to see your progress!!!
I've only started playing Halo for the first time in the last 2 months or so, and have almost nothing in the MCC unlocked, lol. I am definitely taking inspiration from the armours I see the various characters wearing, though, and can look them up online to see what sets those are. There's still a lot to go through, though!
I've only started playing Halo for the first time in the last 2 months or so, and have almost nothing in the MCC unlocked, lol. I am definitely taking inspiration from the armours I see the various characters wearing, though, and can look them up online to see what sets those are. There's still a lot to go through, though!
That's so awesome! welcome to Halo lol. I'm certainly no arbiter of the franchise so i wont mention my favorites but have so much fun! I'm jealous that you are getting to experience it for the first time. i wish i could do the same!!!
That's so awesome! welcome to Halo lol. I'm certainly no arbiter of the franchise so i wont mention my favorites but have so much fun! I'm jealous that you are getting to experience it for the first time. i wish i could do the same!!!
Thank you! It's been a lot of fun getting to experience it all for the first time. I'm not entirely going into it blind, since I'm part of the community here and on the Discord and the games are old enough that I've managed to catch hints of some of the plot elements, but I got into wanting to make Halo armour thanks to Red vs. Blue rather than through the games themselves so I definitely didn't know much about them.

I managed to make my way through the entire Master Chief Collection (I loved ODST and Reach so much) and H5 (never again unless it's properly ported to PC - I hated playing with a controller!) in about a month, but my computer can't handle Infinite without some upgrades - it keeps shutting down! So I started Halo Wars (not really my preferred style of game but I want to see the story) until muscle spasms in my neck have forced me to take a break for the past couple of weeks (and now the holidays have me pretty busy too). Hopefully I'll have time and will be healed up enough to get back to it at some point soon.

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