Gundam Rx-78-2

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im a long time fan of Gundam have to say great job relay well done I think I might try to build this thank you for sharing your work'
Some of the links from the first post of this thread are broken, like the leg. Does anyone have it??? Or even for RX-79 [G]...?
Strikegirl I am glad that you are enthusiastic for this wonderful thread, and desire to build it yourself. I have a couple words of advice though. First, please look at the time of the last post to a thread. Noone has posted to this for almost 2 years. Two options that would be better than necro posting, aka opening a thread that has been dead for so long, is to either send a pm to the Original Poster, or start a new thread linked back to this one with your question on how to get what you are looking for. One other option is to send a request in the 3d moldling forum about the broken links, and ask if anyone might have them, or be able to fix them.

One great place to look for the missing files are Here in the File archive, and if that does not work go to It is a thread on Pepakura file requests. Please read the first post in that thread and follow what Chernobyl requests, and doing so will get you better results.
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