Halo 3 Registration ONLINE NOW!

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Signed up but i clicked canda(english) cause i was in a rush but then sent it again as US, xD god i hope i didnt jsut f*** my slef over
Honestly? with the amount of folks going for it, and the extremely limited amount of slots availible, I'd be mightily surprised if any of us make the list. I wouldn't worry about your slip-up.

I can't wait to hear how many slots there are, and how many folks put their names in the hat. Gonna' be a LOT of disappointed folks I suspect.
According to a release by Bungie this morning, the "early" sign-ups were bogus. Make SURE you go to Halo3.com to sign up. You can do it now, and if you haven't done it already, it's strongly recommended.

BTW- the Commercial is on http://www.xbox.com and if you missed it last night?... It's SWEEET...
Hmm.. triple posting is BAAD.. but if I just added this to the last post, it wouldn't show up as a new post, and no one would come in here and see it.

I just put this on the main page, but just in-case some of you miss it:


Unfortunately, there are countries that aren't on the list, but there are also 100 non-US slots that are being distrbuted through other means. I'll give you guys the heads up if I hear anything about them.
Woo Hoo!! I updated the Main Page news story.

I just discovered that at least SOME of the contests are accepting Worlwide entries! Feel free to enter the ones I marked,

I only checked the UK ones because I only know English.. If anyone wants to tackle any of the other ones, please do so and PM me what you find so I can update those too.

Dude I'm pumped.. I currently have better chances of getting in than probably anyone in here right this minute.. That'll change when some of you register, but think of the many Halo fans that currently don't know.

The skill questions I hit:
The new Halo 3 vehicle is the Mongoose.
Bungie Studios is the Developer of Halo
Halo 3 was first announced at E3, 2006

Good Luck Everyone!
It says it won't ship till november first so all of us got pelnty of time to make sure that our armor is ready for launch day. hopefully we will see some actual game footage at E3 this year.
I've seen some unreliable pictures of a preordered copy of Halo 3 beinging pick up from a local EB Games™ store. The cover looked legitamate and yet I highly doubted that the cover would looks so plain. It was simply a picture of Master Cheif staring down with a gun in his hand with a MBT tank in the background.

So if that how the cover looks like you can say the Bunny told you.
Yeah, I doubt we'd get a place, unless you get crackdown for the beta key. I'd rather wait until it's finished in all it's entirerity and play it first time with a bunch of friends on multiplayer in a launch party. :dee:
this question im gonna ask is stupid, but i aint got a 360 yet. What is the Windows live account? is it your Xbox live account?
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