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Halo 4 - MJOLNIR GEN2 - Mark VI Master Chief

Halo 4 - MJOLNIR GEN2 - Mark VI Master Chief 1.2

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Are the Game assets needed to build, or just there for reference? And what is the scale for a six foot person?
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The game assets are there for reference, and if need be, to unfold if you are unhappy with the current files available.

Unfortunately the scaling will have to be done yourself. Gather all the reference images you can find, that way you can determine where a piece starts and ends, then measure it. I would suggest attempting to build the piece out of cardstock first, so as to ensure you're not wasting any foam if you put the whole thing together and it doesn't fit. Otherwise, there are plenty of tutorials on here which will enable you to find scaling techniques that better suit your style!
Are the Game assets needed to build, or just there for reference? And what is the scale for a six foot person?

You will probably be looking at 1828.8 for your scale. In the pep designer the scale is in mm i believe so you want to find out exactly how many inches tall you are. If you are 6 foot even that would be 72 inches you can than convert that to mm. I just use google to do the conversions that I need.
Also, are the pieces in the drawings all connected? Because a lot of the parts are floating.

As I understand it they all connect to each other. The reason for the float is because the thin strips that would normally connect them as a paper build are taken care of by the thickness of the foam. It will take allot of toying with the find the right angles to cut at to make it work the way it should but thank goodness foam is cheap lol. Trial and error until it works.
As I understand it they all connect to each other. The reason for the float is because the thin strips that would normally connect them as a paper build are taken care of by the thickness of the foam. It will take allot of toying with the find the right angles to cut at to make it work the way it should but thank goodness foam is cheap lol. Trial and error until it works.

zoom out and you will find it eventually
So do I need all the pieces that have been shifted off that you have to zoom out to find? Or will the pieces that are on the sheets complete the build?
So do I need all the pieces that have been shifted off that you have to zoom out to find? Or will the pieces that are on the sheets complete the build?

You do not need those pieces unless you are making the paper build. If you are doing the foam floor mats you have everything you need on the pages. Just remember to go into the 2D menu and scale each piece for yourself as they are not currently scaled for any specific size. If you want take a look at Angelegend on youtube Angelegend he goes through the same pieces and does a build in real time from start to finish. The only piece he hasn't finished the videos for yet is the helmet which he is working on.
as i understand it you want to adjust scale based on the longest measurement. Since the chest does not go from collar to waist you would want to measure from shoulder to shoulder. Your best bet is to grab an image of chief and measure him the furthest points on him to yourself. You will probably want to print out a couple of copies and just tape them together (at least the front side) then put that on yourself and see how it fits. if the front fits just fine chances are the back will fit. Remember the pep file only has one side of the armor and you will have to flip each piece and cut that out of the foam as well. If the pep had every piece that would be allot of paper lol. Hope the info helps, happy crafting.
That I honestly don't know. That would require printing it out and putting it all together as is and I don't know anyone that has done that with these files. If it is scaled like most others they are rendered from the game files. That means unaltered they would be set up for master chief. I think he is like six feet, seven inches (2 m) tall and weighs 287 pounds (130 kg) when not in the armor but inside the armor he is seven feet (2.13 m) tall and weighs 1,000 pounds (450 kg). I am not sure if the template is made for him outside of the armor or if it is sized for him in the armor. Sorry i could not be of more help. perhaps if someone else sees the post they might be able to provide further insight.
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