Halo Infinite Dynamo Grenade - September Technical Preview Version


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
More monkey business, this time with the results of the tutorial stream! This thread will include references and models for creating a Ravager based on the flighting and other releases made by 343. This thread will serve three purposes.
  1. Be a repository and reference for others who are also searching for images to use for their own Shock Rifle builds.
  2. Act as a permanent link for free printable files for what I've designed.
  3. Showcase the build process as any other build thread.
This first post is reserved as an index for the rest of the thread and will be updated as the build progresses. In case you missed the broadcast, everything done in video format is here.

Reference Images (343 Industries sources)
CAD References Images (Self made)
Build Pack Files
Materials Used
Finished Photos
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Unfortunately we haven't seen too many high definition sources of the Dynamo Grenade so far. Hopefully we'll have a few more before the game launch day but these screenshots from in game were enough to piece together a fairly respectable model over the course of an afternoon.

Halo Infinite Tech Preview September 24th-26th

CAD references for the Dynamo Grenade and believe me, finding a good angle to showcase this thing at was definitely interesting. Darn Banished making all their stuff spiky for some reason.
Dynamo Grenade Drawing_Page_1.png

Render with illumination to help illustrate locations where transparent materials can be used for the lighting effects.

And last but not least some views within the Design workspace in case renders and orthographic projections are not your cup of tea.
For this one there is no fancy other fasteners or support material needed, everything slots together and nests in place. If there's an issue with a piece fitting into it's position, please check for debris or burrs within the recesses or check for proper orientation. Everything is designed with a 0.3mm fit tolerance at 1:1 scale to allow for painting then assembly while still having a snug fit.

Please respect the Creative Commons licensing stamped inside, I designed these files for the 405th folks to have fun with and help everyone get excited for Infinite, I don't want to see people selling these as kits or castings.

Good luck, have fun.

Dynamo Grenade Filepack
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