HALO Master Chief Suit @ WCG Singapore 2007

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Halo 1

Active Member
Hey Chiefs,

Over the weekend, at the World Cyber Games competition held at Suntec Con Centre here in Singapore, imagine my surprise when I came across a MC suit on display at the XBOX 360 booth.

I may be wrong, but it looks like a Nightmare? version...it was badly fiberglassed and painted, with streaks still obvious. They also had another different wearable suit that some costumer wore today for the walkaround but unfortunately, I didn't get any pics. Just only of the static suit.

Talked to J, one of the honchos over at XBOX Singapore booth , [we met at the Transformers Premiere] and found out that the suits were brought in Stateside. I also managed to wrangle me some HALO tees and a few posters. :)

Anyhow, here are the pics [cuse the flash]...Senior Chiefs, your opinions?










Stay safe,

I think I'm gonna go ahead and buy the pressure suit...now I know it doesn't look bad, just have to take off the blue striping.

Other than that...I don't really think thats NAS armor is it?
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The frontpage says that the images and videos will keep showing during the maintenance, but I guess not.
Wonga. :shock:

I can see them too now. It looks a bit like heavily modified Nightmare armor. Some of it is a dead giveaway (the thighs, Helmet details from the side) The rest looks like it may have been made to fill in around the Nightmare pieces.

The upward facing shoulder ports are unusual.. it's strange not to see them from the front profile. The lower back undersuit thing is also strange, I've never seen anything like that...The shoulder parts are kinda big.

Nice find... it's definately new to us. I've never seen that particular suit before.
I like how they did the serpentine segments of the armor.... But the blue striping looks unprofessional and the rest of the armor looks a bit.... Clunky?

It's a good suit, and probably looks really cool in action, but it's just a little weird when compared to all the suits from the guys here.
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