Halo promethean knight build


New Member
Hello world.

I have been working on a promethean knight cosplay for a few months and had a few questions.
I have seen a few people start their own knight builds but I have never seen anyone finish them, are there any finished promethean knight cosplays out there?

My build is made mosly of cardboard and nearing the end of construction, any tips on how to cheaply paint something so big?
I've painted figures before but never anything on this scale.
Can post more pictures if needed, or wanted :)


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Ok if that is card board you sure know how to make it clean, now before you paint it you are going to need to seal the card board with like a clear coat or gesso it might work but take a scrap card board and do some tests. If you seal it let it dry then put your paint on see if it starts to crack up or orange peel. Once you figure out the sealer then if you can I would spray paint it for base paint then you can go from there. Or you can get a small roller and roll on the paint then seal it again. I think this is going to be awesome can't wait to see it finished.
Ok if that is card board you sure know how to make it clean, now before you paint it you are going to need to seal the card board with like a clear coat or gesso it might work but take a scrap card board and do some tests. If you seal it let it dry then put your paint on see if it starts to crack up or orange peel. Once you figure out the sealer then if you can I would spray paint it for base paint then you can go from there. Or you can get a small roller and roll on the paint then seal it again. I think this is going to be awesome can't wait to see it finished.
Thanks for the tip about gesso. Going to be a few weeks till next progress update.

Plans is to mount the head, then showcase with arms and legs attached
I don't know of any knight cosplays out there unfortunately. Best of luck of your build!
Loving the progress so far. I have never seen a cardboard or knight build so I'll be happily awaiting your progress!
This is an insane build! Amazing cardboard work too! How's your maneuverability when suited up?
Maneuverability is alright, mid to low.
I can walk and turn on the spot, footing and balance are great.
Can't pick anything up from the ground but can use my hands freely otherwise.
I might be able to jog, but not game enough to try.
This is adventurous. Love it!

Are you straddling that strap? That looks like it can get pretty uncomfortable. Have you considered rigging or buying a full body harness to help distribute the weight?
That's insane! When I saw the title I had no idea how it would work, but you pulled it off in a really cool and unique way!
This is adventurous. Love it!

Are you straddling that strap? That looks like it can get pretty uncomfortable. Have you considered rigging or buying a full body harness to help distribute the weight?
I am straddling the strap, and boy it was uncomfortable. Will definitely be making some straps to better hold the weight.
This was more of a test fit, to find where I needed to put straps
This is actually so cool! It looks absolutely incredible!! Can't wait to see this all painted up!
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