Halo Reach 405th Arena Team/Doubles Group

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Well-Known Member
Would anyone be interested? Most my XBL friends are busy watching netflix, so I mostly just play Swat or BTB, since I don't have a team for Arena.
I think It would be cool for some 405th guys to have a team! Heres my GT


Send me a message!
I may not be online much after this week, but my GT is HHG of Antioch. I've been playing alot of Rumble Pit and really need to get into team stuff a bit more.
I would totally be down, GT: KaitarFett iam usually on alot if not shoot me a message, just make sure to let me know your from here :p cause if not...I may not add yah :p
Heck yeah!

I'm usually on during school hours (for those of you still in school) or after 9
I've been looking for some people to play some arena with instead of just going in it alone
GT is:

Omega Ravager

If you mention the 405th I'll be happy to accept and I hope to see you on the battlefield!
Hey i wouldn't mind getting in some play time with you guys!

GT: black0fire
(make sure you mention the 405th or i wont add you)

Hit me up!
(same as thebearman, tell me your 405th or you wont make it!)
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