Props Halo Reach Blades - Gamescom Trinkets

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Sooo... kaween had this brilliant idea to give everyone a trinket during this Gamescom and he decided he wanted to print out personalized Halo Reach Combat knives.

I offered my help and Kaween has sent me the blades. With time I got 15 personalized blades - all with 405th logo, Gamescom 2016 and each name of the attending member.

First off I sanded down blades. These all lighter blades are already sanded down and Kris's balde on top is untouched.
I didn't bother with too much sanding as I didn't want all the lines to disappear.


Here I already primed the blades.


Aaand I after I sprayed them silver.


Here is where I started to paint them by hand. I chose to paint all the 405th logos like they are - not just black wash, but I wanted to do 405th justice and painted these light blue with some darker blue.
Aaand black wash for all other letters.


Weathering stage.


And finished! For comparison - this is a photo WITH flash, next one without flash.


And all blades finished.
Why I didn't want to sand down and fill all the printing lines? Because it gave a nice texture for the blades. With the weathering it gave that nice effect IMO.


Sorry I don't have any detail photos of the finished blades or whole knife. I hope Kaween has some or any of the people who got the knives. ;)
Damn, those are sweet!

What a fantastic idea!

Soooooo jelly.

"I don't know what's weirder, that you're fighting a stuffed animal, or that you seem to be losing" - Suzie
Sweet Idea :D *Would like to have one* I will make my own knife when im done preparing everything to make my first armor Xd.
Thanks. All credit goes to awesome kaween for the great idea he had and printing these awesome things. ^^
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Those are amazing!!!!!! kaween fantastic idea and print-work and Mara, as usual, unbelievable paint job.
Would just like to say, I believe I had the first of these :D
It's above my AR :D


  • AgqCG1M.jpg
    34.9 KB · Views: 245
That's such a good idea! Always nice top have a little memento of a con, especially if it's personalised like you have here
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