Halo Reach Foam Build


Sr Member
Hi all! Been lurking for a bit, wanting to get back into halo stuff for a while.

I'm notoriously bad at finishing projects so I'm posting here for some accountability. But I also just wanted to share some progress i've been making on some armor.
This is my first time making a suit in several years so I'm excited to be back into it. I've been making good progress but have been holding off on posting until i had adequate progress.

Anywho, I'm making the MkV from Halo Reach/Infinite. Here's the approximate suit I'd like to replicate: (but with the air assault helmet instead; i forgot to take a more current screenshot)

My #1 priority is good scaling. That's what's been wrong with my previous suits that I didn't like. I always looked bobbleheaded and not quite 1:1 size wise. So for me, that just means I'm OK with rebuilding a part (foreshadowing) to dial in the size.

But other than that, I just want to improve my craft and get better at foamsmithing. Also, fun thing, I'm trying to operate completely in the dark and surprise my friends and family with my sick costume next halloween.

I started in armorsmith:

Armor smith is a really great tool. I am a fan. I am also prone to user error. Scaling issues ensue; more on that later.

Started (for some reason) with the thighs. I didn't like the pepakura models, and preferred the shapes of the infinite version, so freehanded after the infinite design using armorsmith for reference dimensions. I think I miiight rebuild them. They look don't look tall/long enough compared to the game references, but I'm not sure yet. I'm happy with the look but I am slightly worried they are underscaled.

I made a mock-up out of newsprint and transferred that to a new sheet and refined it. Took a pic in case I needed to scan the templates and scale them. Might be handy.

Next I printed the helmet:

I printed this bad boy 2 and a half times to get the size right, but I like how it fits now. It's snug on mah noggin. This was also my first time plastic "welding" my seams (with a soldering iron, bought a throwaway for this purpose). Worked pretty nice, feels tough. Should be easy to clean up. I am dreading sanding it, and will push it off until the last possible moment.

Next I moved onto the chest.

Little did you know that I made another version about a month ago. It was 5% too large, and did not deserve to live. So i made this one to replace it. I think it was good practice to build the older one though (very tough to build IMO), I will probably use it for sealing/paint tests later on. I've still got to build the lower rib armor that nests under this chest piece but I want to move onto other things to confirm my scale is correct.

I've got some uncut templates for the bicep and ODST shoulder lying right here beside me so I'll be moving on to that next.

And now an awkward pose from yours truly:

I'm liking the overall fitment thus far. Thigh armor tho. Sigh.

Thanks all for looking! More to come.
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I know literally nothing about Foam, actually only ever made a gauntlet for Dragon Age out of foam..

However, I know the feeling of starting a lot of projects and then... Well time passes

Your doing a great job, luckily for you... We have some amazing Foamsmiths in the 405th, so your in great hands.

However, after more thought.. thanks for inspiring me to gander at foam again for a future project!

Keep up the good work!


I know literally nothing about Foam, actually only ever made a gauntlet for Dragon Age out of foam..

However, I know the feeling of starting a lot of projects and then... Well time passes

Your doing a great job, luckily for you... We have some amazing Foamsmiths in the 405th, so your in great hands.

However, after more thought.. thanks for inspiring me to gander at foam again for a future project!

Keep up the good work!

Foam is life! I love the stuff. Some people are very good with it. I'm a little rusty. A great medium, though. Definitely worth giving a second shot!
Yeah, I love working with it. It can be a pain sometimes, but the satisfaction you get when you complete a piece is just so rewarding.
Bicep update.

I started out with a foam unfold that I found in the armory. I took a crack at building that one but wasn't happy with how things were looking, I think the other model was more intended for papercraft.

So i ended up remodeling it in blender, correcting some inaccuracies, and modeling it to be a little more foam friendly:

and it was ready to be unfolded.

If there is any interest in these files i'd be happy to share them, they've been battle tested but I will make some revisions to the unfold so they're a little easier to work with.

Anywho, new templates were a success. Pretty tough build, actually. Definitely not perfect but certified good enough. And they fit pretty well. More on that later.
So yeah, onto the other bicep and then the shoulder pads themselves.

Plenty more coming. I just finished up my waist armor model, so that'll be built soon, too.

Til next time.


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Your foam work is so clean!! Can't wait to see more, I never get tired of Reach armor. The redo of the biceps looks great, the base files we have here are super helpful but never exactly like I want them lol, they're never quite fully accurate.
Your foam work is so clean!! Can't wait to see more, I never get tired of Reach armor. The redo of the biceps looks great, the base files we have here are super helpful but never exactly like I want them lol, they're never quite fully accurate.
Thanks! I was actually looking at your reach build from a few years back when I was planning this one. It looks sharp!

Moving forward with the build...

I am looking for some scale feedback!

I recently built my bicep armor and a shoulder pad. I think I may have scaled them too large. I'm not as concerned with the bicep as I am the ODST shoulder. But I appreciate opinions on the scale of both. Brutal honesty is acceptable. Thoughts?

My gut tells me both are a smidge too big. The ODST shoulder definitely. I'm beginning to think my print settings are goofed up, everything seems to be coming out about 5-10% too large. Fard.

Anywho. Glory shot of the ODST shoulder. This may be the last time you see this guy before he's replaced with a better, 8% smaller younger brother.

Thanks for looking. LMK your thoughts on the scale of everything.

Til next time.

EDIT. Here are some references I've been using to help me with scale.
Foamsmithing is top notch mate, I'd say, just nit picking here really, but if you slightly lowered the shoulder position on your arm. It might look better? But it does look amazing, maybe slightly smaller odst shoulders though. Keep up the good work though mate
its lookin great! i think the scaling looks just fine, personally.
Your foam work is amazing!! That's so clean!
Thanks to you both!

Foamsmithing is top notch mate, I'd say, just nit picking here really, but if you slightly lowered the shoulder position on your arm. It might look better? But it does look amazing, maybe slightly smaller odst shoulders though. Keep up the good work though mate
Totally agree. I experimented last night on some fitment changes to make things look better, but I still wasn't happy. I'm committed to making a new one atm. I'm using this as an opportunity to remodel some of the shoulder pad and make some better templates. I like the way that this one turned out but I ended up freehanding a lot. Messing with the templates some should fix that and make it more repeatable. If nothing else it will be another file to add to the armory.
This build is looking immaculate dude! I can't wait to see the fully finished thing, those of you who foamsmith always blow me away with your talents!
How'd you get the thigh curve so perfect? I've never been able to get that curve to turn out like that

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