• This forum serves as a repository for threads that are directly attached to the resources in our Armory. These threads are generated automatically and members cannot create new threads in this forum separate from a Armory resource. Please use these threads to discuss the files that have been made available in the Armory.
Halo: Reach - MJOLNIR Mark V - Mark V[B]

Halo: Reach - MJOLNIR Mark V - Mark V[B] 1.1

No permission to download
how would one download the zip
You click on the Orange "Download" button to the right of the entry name.
Hello, I’d like to commission for a set of armor to be built for me. I have not idea how to build or start with one of these and I’m %100 sure I’d mess it up completely. If anyone would be willing to build the amour for me (not for free of course) or could point me in the right direction that would be helpful thanks.
Hello, I’d like to commission for a set of armor to be built for me. I have not idea how to build or start with one of these and I’m %100 sure I’d mess it up completely. If anyone would be willing to build the amour for me (not for free of course) or could point me in the right direction that would be helpful thanks.
Hey EquinoxPhantom - I suggest you check out this post about making a thread to buy things:

You will also want to include some details about what you are looking for to help someone determine if they would be interested in taking on a commission.
- Location (rough, not exact) - ex. Nebraska, USA
- Materials - 3D Printed / Foam / Etc.
- Armor Style
- Timeline
- Budget
im with MrJamin i have this problem when some one wants a suit they did not give me what suit or the budget or materials it cuts down on a lot of email if it is put out with the request.
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