Im making a mark five helmet, and while in the process of assembling it, noticed that some of the joints dont quite match up, but it was not noticable when in three peices. When combinging the peices tonight i noticed tht i had to strain several joints for it to fit right, and make sure all the peices were in the right place. The pep file im using is one that was meant for a small MC, but then i just took the head and scaled it up in pepakura. The file im using is here (
I noticed recently when I opened it up and had it scaled that there were gaps in the shape, would someone mind giving me advice, be it, "Noob start over" or " simple, just re fold this peice"
I might add that i started this project before finding this site, but still ended up using pepakura and buying fiberglass cloth and resin. Also it is my first job
I noticed recently when I opened it up and had it scaled that there were gaps in the shape, would someone mind giving me advice, be it, "Noob start over" or " simple, just re fold this peice"
I might add that i started this project before finding this site, but still ended up using pepakura and buying fiberglass cloth and resin. Also it is my first job