K Kovac65 New Member Mar 26, 2016 #1 When I am Fiberglassing my suit, do I do just the inside or both inside and out?
A alxs New Member Mar 26, 2016 #2 You apply a thin coat of resin to the outside for a basic stability, then apply the resin soaked fiberglass to the inside for strength. There are many tutorials on this forum. I can recommend the fiberglassing tutorial by crackhead09
You apply a thin coat of resin to the outside for a basic stability, then apply the resin soaked fiberglass to the inside for strength. There are many tutorials on this forum. I can recommend the fiberglassing tutorial by crackhead09
Benton188 Sr Member Colonial Regiment Stream Team Member DIN S188 Mar 26, 2016 #3 Put 1 to 2 coats of just the resin on the outside, and put 1 coat of resin and the fiberglass matting on the inside.
Put 1 to 2 coats of just the resin on the outside, and put 1 coat of resin and the fiberglass matting on the inside.
K Kovac65 New Member Mar 26, 2016 #4 Can I layer the inside with a mat then cloth to add extra strength
A alxs New Member Mar 26, 2016 #5 Of course you can. I just did that myself with the chest part - first a mat and where needed added a roving cloth - very strong in the end
Of course you can. I just did that myself with the chest part - first a mat and where needed added a roving cloth - very strong in the end