Help with ocular ODST goggles helmet attachment


New Member
Hello, so I've been trying to wrack my head for a while now to try and figure out a way to possibly do this. Has anyone ever built something like this for their costumes?

I figured I'd try some sort of NVG mounting arm, but I can't find anything that would work well. I already have my ODST helmet all set up and I really like the way these arm mounted I/O goggles look compared to the standard Halo 3 ones.

Thank you for any help :)

Hello there!
Your post does not give us quite enough information to understand what exactly you want to do with this project. Are you trying to make it out of foam, 3D print, make it line up seamlessly to your helmet, or maybe make it functional? Regardless, NewBrody May be able to help you out if you specify what exactly you are trying to accomplish.

Kind regards and good luck!
Your post does not give us quite enough information to understand what exactly you want to do with this. Do you want to make it out of foam, 3D print, maybe make it functional? Regardless, NewBrody May be able to help you out if you specify what exactly you are trying to accomplish.

Kind regards and good luck!
my apologies, I wanted to possibly 3d print it or buy something similar already made. I'm just referring to the mounting arm and not the actual goggles themselves as I already have a 3d print file for those. I already have a 3d printed ODST helmet and just wanted to put the goggles on this way instead of the more traditional Halo 3 style where the goggles are much larger and attached to the helmet directly.


^ The current configuration I have the helmet in currently
It is no worries, and might I add that your helmet is looking fantastic!
So, you're looking for the mounting arm or something similar to enhance the accuracy of the helmet and perhaps hold the entire attachment up? While I'm not entirely sure a 3D printed part will hold the weight of the attachment, you could boolean (cut) and size it to your specifications as an add-on. I am unsure if there is a ready and printable file offered by someone. However, it could be easily done with the simplistic model shown above if you fix the manifolds (make it printer-compatible) and add some extra detail and grooves.

If I have not answered your question, please feel free to let me know and I will try to give a better explanation.
Personally - I'd go with a existing, fairly common, universally accepted system.
For example: GoPro mount.
You can get GoPro mounts, adapters and accessories all over. There's tons of them ready to print. You just need to work out a couple semi-short arms to run a bolt through and make a sort of... double hinge to be able to fold the ocular all the way back or forward.
Plus you'd be all set to swap out the UA you're using. Even put a camera on it... Different UA plate... whatever.

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