Jr Member
Hey Guys My name is Adam, but you can call me Beck.
I have done tons of Modeling action fig customizing and a bit of costuming. I definatly know my way around Clays, Styrene, Molds and Resin. I even do custom head sculpts for my custom figures.
I Have been looking at these Chief custom suits and I must say, some of these just blow my mind.
My best friend and I are Sci-fi nuts, and therefore have been doing things like this(well not as complicated) for a while.
I was Looking at the Pep designs, but there is too little detail in those suits. I was thinking originally that I would start with a Pep suit, fiberglass it, then Use bondo or other putties to add the detail to the armor. Then I realized that the adding of bondo will throw the proportions off. Therefore I began thinkin' "Would Styrene be the way to go".......
By first basing my armor off of a Pep plan I can then go into making it in Styrene. However My Hobby town only carries small sheets and at a ridiculously high price, so once more is this the way to go. Would I be able to get a high amount of Detail in these builds?? Money is not overly abundant as I'm only 17, but I do know styrene can be bought in the form of yard signs and in just plain old 4' length sheets(i dunno if theres a plastics dist. in my city)
Also I'm not a muscular guy, just average. Chief on the other hand, is a monster, a BEAST.
Are these pep plans small enough that they give that Muscular look, but will be tight enough to fit a normal guy, or will these need to be padded.
Finally. Molding in Silicone IS EXPENSIVE.... like I said I do not have a ton of money. So vacu-forming came to mind. I looked through the molded section and could not find any Tuts on it. Any help? Do you make 2 piece molds in the vacu-former then cast it?? or is the actual Vacuforming the amor.....
oohh one more. Where do you guys get the ribbed inner thighs on the armor, is that a seperate piece or is that built into the armor?
Well There we have it. Those are just the first Questions That I was wondering about. I greatly appreciate the help that you can all supply. I'm here to learn
I have done tons of Modeling action fig customizing and a bit of costuming. I definatly know my way around Clays, Styrene, Molds and Resin. I even do custom head sculpts for my custom figures.
I Have been looking at these Chief custom suits and I must say, some of these just blow my mind.
My best friend and I are Sci-fi nuts, and therefore have been doing things like this(well not as complicated) for a while.
I was Looking at the Pep designs, but there is too little detail in those suits. I was thinking originally that I would start with a Pep suit, fiberglass it, then Use bondo or other putties to add the detail to the armor. Then I realized that the adding of bondo will throw the proportions off. Therefore I began thinkin' "Would Styrene be the way to go".......

By first basing my armor off of a Pep plan I can then go into making it in Styrene. However My Hobby town only carries small sheets and at a ridiculously high price, so once more is this the way to go. Would I be able to get a high amount of Detail in these builds?? Money is not overly abundant as I'm only 17, but I do know styrene can be bought in the form of yard signs and in just plain old 4' length sheets(i dunno if theres a plastics dist. in my city)
Also I'm not a muscular guy, just average. Chief on the other hand, is a monster, a BEAST.
Finally. Molding in Silicone IS EXPENSIVE.... like I said I do not have a ton of money. So vacu-forming came to mind. I looked through the molded section and could not find any Tuts on it. Any help? Do you make 2 piece molds in the vacu-former then cast it?? or is the actual Vacuforming the amor.....
oohh one more. Where do you guys get the ribbed inner thighs on the armor, is that a seperate piece or is that built into the armor?
Well There we have it. Those are just the first Questions That I was wondering about. I greatly appreciate the help that you can all supply. I'm here to learn