How long is an average time to make a set of this Pepakura style armor?
I sort of would like to finish mine by the halo 3 launch ( as indicated by my active desktop )
I will probably try to go to walmart tomorrow to get the card stock and various other supplies... I had wanted to do this quite a while ago, but at that time the only info I could find on making armor was vacuforming which was out of my abilities and fundage levels... And I just found this site yesterday.
I sort of would like to finish mine by the halo 3 launch ( as indicated by my active desktop )
I will probably try to go to walmart tomorrow to get the card stock and various other supplies... I had wanted to do this quite a while ago, but at that time the only info I could find on making armor was vacuforming which was out of my abilities and fundage levels... And I just found this site yesterday.