If They Came to Hear Me Beg Achievement

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Jr Member
Who's got this beast of an acheivement?

I've scowered every corner of the interwebs treied every trick and suggestion I've seen and still don't get the acheivement! Anyone else with this problem?
I got it after about 15 minutes of deaths and incorrect assassination animations.

This is from the Bnet Reach FAQ:
If They Came to Hear Me Beg
If your lunge is too forward it will slow your fall and this achievement will not be triggered as you are no longer traveling at a terminal velocity. Try lunging straight down on the target Elite’s head as you are falling so you don’t lose terminal velocity. This usually takes multiple attempts and can be tough to trigger. Don’t give up!
Things I've read work for people:
-Make sure if your sprint AA is still activated while you're attempting to assassinate, to deactivate it. Try switching it off about halfway down.
-If you're using the Recon controller layout, switch to default. Some people get the achievement to pop the first time after switching.
-Sometimes it requires a specific animation. Many people have said they've done scores of assassinations but finally one they hadn't seen before happens and they get it.

Bungie says it's not bugged but I have seen people saying they've been at it for 2-3 hours, multiple successful assassinations but it doesn't unlock.
Yeah I know you have to turn off the sprint. I finally got it. I dicided to try it on Nightfall and got it the first time I got a shot at the assassination. He was facing me so I did a 180 and pulled off the assassination.... I did nothing different then I did in the PoA mission. I spent all morning and a couple hours in the afternoon on this thing!
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