just a thot

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Jr Member
ive already started resining my armor but i was wondering if any1 has ever tried just wraping their armor in a crapload of ducttape or sumthing like that instead of resining, also list all the things u have done to ur armor instead of resining

Ironcobra3000 said:
Duct tape is not a good idea, it peels
It depends on what brand of duct tape you use.

I use vinyl Bundling tape, which I'm sorry to say is VERY expensive, and I had it on something for well over 2 years, and it didn't peel.
I also use the Duck brand duck tape you can find all over the place.
IT NEVER EVER EVER EVER peels. EVER. The only way to make it peel is to burn it.
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Rsugar said:
Ironcobra3000 said:
Duct tape is not a good idea, it peels
It depends on what brand of duct tape you use.

I use vinyl Bundling tape, which I'm sorry to say is VERY expensive, and I had it on something for well over 2 years, and it didn't peel.
I also use the Duck brand duck tape you can find all over the place.
IT NEVER EVER EVER EVER peels. EVER. The only way to make it peel is to burn it.

If the duck tape brand is peeling, you have bigger problems than ruined armor :eek
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