Lobbster, Signing Off

Rock Lobbster

Sr Member
Member DIN
Hello everyone and happy new year.

Today I am announcing that I will be stepping down from my role as RCO effective tomorrow, January 3rd. This will also mark my departure from the 405th and my account will go quiet.

Some may have noticed I’ve haven't been active on the forward facing side of things since late May which ironically, was also one of my more active months on the forums. In the staff side of the forums there were over 30+ pages of text typed up by 15+ battalion and regimental staff members. All for... unfortunately nothing. The voice of many, overruled by 1.
As some are aware, the decision made here left many with a sour taste in their mouth. For context, please refer to the 2 linked posts at the bottom of this statement.
All of this forced me to re-evaluate my relation with the organization and what I spent my last 6 years trying to build up.

In the 6 years I’ve been a part of the 405th I’ve written over 1,000 messages, had 3,000+ people react to my own messages, made 35+ threads, a whopping 71,000 messages sent on the Discord, helped organize our first Extra Life event and the 2 subsequent years following, our stream events that kept us afloat over lockdown and the COVID times, and have been a regimental command member for a year.

I’ve made a great number of lifelong friendships, beautiful memories, and happy times. We accomplished a great deal in those 5 years and my only regret is not having the ability to do more when it mattered. My threads will remain, a small sign of what the people can accomplish (since members influenced many decisions throughout each build).
My Discord DM’s will be open (@Lobbster) if you'd like to continue to stay in contact.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

From your Crustacean, signed with love

- Lobbster

For Reference:
Pride and the 405th Thread
(Ex) Canadian Regiment Staff noting events that lead to their departure
regrettably I haven't gotten a chance to interact with you here much. But I totally understand your decision for departure (along with all the other staff who have gone before you). Be safe and careful in all future building endeavours. I hope to see you around other places at some point (and see what you're working on).

Art, pay attention. You are literally watching things crumble before you. The hard working people who make this place great are walking away. They will go and find/make other places. They have the tools, talent and drive. And people will flock to them. If you do nothing you will eventually log in to find a ghost town. A shell of what made this place great. The choice is ultimately yours... Choose wisely.

Though I haven't had the most interaction with you on this platform, I know you have done amazing things for this community and it is losing one of it's finest. I understand your reasons for leaving and tip my hat to you. We will stay in contact outside of this organization. I wish you all the best.

And I agree with JadePhoenix , more will leave and folks will seek greener pastures.
Thank you Lobbster,

Thank you for being one of the inspirations behind why I started this hobby. I still remember seeing a reposted version of your visor system on Ifunny and thinking "I wish I could do that." Here I am today finishing out my first set of ODST armor all because I saw your work. I hope to meet you in person at a convention one day. Thank you for your work as RCO, and I wish you the best.
Thank you for everything Rock Lobbster, if it wasn't for you I never would have made the jump into this community I love so much. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors, I hope I'll be able to catch you again at another con in the future, seeing you at C2E2 was great!

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