1st Build MA5B first build


New Member

This is my 3d printed MA5B from Halo CE!

Thanks to CasuallyFlacid for the files.

Printed in PLA on the Elegoo Neptune 3 Max. The grip and base were done with fuzzy skin settings to mimic a grip-composite material you'll see on modern rifles, which actually enabled minimal post processing on those parts.



Shroud cover is painted with Duralumen by the Digital Armory. Body uses Leadbelcher by Citadel. Grip and base are coated in Plastidip. Weathered with a combination of acrylics, oils, and shoe polish. Metal highlights were done with Testors silver enamel.

The lights and flashlight are wired with a few LEDs and powered by a couple of 9v batteries hidden in the front grip, which can be separated and is fixed by magnets. The ammo indicator housing was printed in clear pla, uses a transparent sticker I made for the HUD display, and is backlit to mimic a digital display.

Happy with the turnout for the simple solution!


Pretty pleased with the final product, let me know what you guys think!


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I love the use of mixed textures!
Thanks! I'll definitely be incorporating fuzzy skin into more projects after this.

Not only does it help with realism, but it also helps to skip out on some sanding. With the right layer height and fuzzy skin settings, those parts need zero sanding after some filler primer.

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