MA5C Assault Rifle (H3)

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Wanna see more? Be sure to check out CollinMcCaf's Model Repository!

This model is available for download through the link above!

There are two versions, a static and a "functional"
The "functional version" acts as though it's "jammed", you can pull the bolt and drop the mag but the gun doesn't cycle.


Original post below-
As the title would suggest I'm currently making the most accurate model I can muster. I'm using the in game model for reference. Please send me any and all applicable reference material, I'm only able to do so much with what I have.
Here's my progress so far, the top is the in-game model
(I plan on uploading two models, one that'll perpetually "misfire" and another more "traditional")
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Boy oh boy; another update! :D
Got a little bored modeling the front, decided to switch things up and work on the stock.

**Yes, I'm aware the front grip is wrong; yes I'm going to fix it.**
Another glorious update!
8k is apparently too large to appear as a photo, heres some 4k instead.

*Need to reshape the stock, flashlight, below the flashlight, the "mag release rail", and re-add the front grip. Then detail work will begin.*
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Today saw an increase of 9,366 polys putting us now at 40,818! Had a few hours (2 & 1/2 to be exact) before work, did some more detailing. Still procrastinating on those front grips XD
Modeled some delicious ribs (side of the screen), the mag release, power button, and a few more of the seemingly endless rivots

*Yes I know, I need to fix the stock... and add the power button on the other side*
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Long time, no update. Been busy since January, I put in a few more hours today though :D
So. Without furtherado, heres the progress on the detail work. Be sure to take a look at the 16k render! (in the attachments)


  • 16k
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So you have a beefy PC? My PC is pretty low-end. What are your specs?
I'm using one of those older Fx-8350 processors but its overclocked to 5.6GHz so it does pretty well, Evo 850 SSD, an overclocked R9 390 graphics card, and 16gb of 2133 gSkill Sniper ram.
The only downside is it feels like I live in Arizona whenever I'm gaming, or rendering
So its not exactly "god-tier", but its not some $500 bestbuy deal either
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Hear ye, hear ye, heres another update for thee.
Spent a solid 3-4 hours reshaping the stock tonight, in addition to making things nice and rounded I noticed a "extra piece" next to the mag. It has now been removed. (It was on the original model, the way H3 renders things it gets rounded over)
Poly count is now 87,589!
As per usual, some juicy 16k renders attached bellow. (3 this time)


    4.4 MB · Views: 714
Now i am wondering if this beaty is useable for 3d printing. So many beautifull details :eek:
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