Member to Member Welcome!


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN

Hello Recruits & Seasoned Soldiers,

Welcome to the 405th Infantry Division, where each of you are a part of the most epic crew to ever wield a Needler! (Err, okay... maybe that's not always the best choice! ;-)

..clears throat..

I'm thrilled to have you join us, and I can't wait to get to know each of you individually. Remember, we're all about supporting everyone on this wild ride throughout our world and the Halo universe.

As you start this journey, I want you to feel included and encouraged to push your limits. This isn't just a group; it's a community of friends who are well on their way to becoming family. So, while serious about our mission & values, we're also serious about having a blast together!

Active participation is our middle name... Err..umm

Okay, not really, but it Fun. Honestly, be as active as you wish; I'm just glad your here!

Whether you're strutting your stuff at a Cosplay Contest or teaming up at local events with your hometown group, I encourage you to be community heroes. After all, even Master Chief started somewhere, right?

No matter where you are in the 405th Infantry, or where your travels may take you, remember that the local Regiments/Battalions are there to offer journey support. Think of them as your personal ODST drop pods, ready to land whenever you need a hand!

I encourage you to reach out and find the Closes Regiment to you; and not only introduce yourself here in this forum but to your Regiment and the Regiment Staff as well; as they are your key to all things local!

So suit up, UNSC!

Let's make some memories, support each other, and, most importantly, have a legendary time! So; hopefully see you out and about...

Again Welcome!

Baron080 , Member
Pacific Regiment
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