Membership Stats (Interesting)

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Spase said:
Well, I hate to say it, but there is not a rule set for membership as far as I know of one existing. Most of what you read here is off the topic I intended, yet it has turned into yet another discussion of shoulds and should nots...

Mostly you can ignore what is stated here as it is all matter of individual opinion. I have not seen anyone barred from being part of this forum for anything other than misbehavior towards others and towards the community. I would not worry about this forum being closed to anyone except those that well deserved being banned. Being a member of the forum does not in my eyes constitute membership into any club, group or organization so called the 405th. There was no criteria that was applied to you when you signed up here, therefore you belong to no such organization or club, save to say that you are a member of the forum as is everyone else here, armor or no armor. Behave, and act like a mature individual, and I believe that your right to be apart of the forum will be upheld.

I hate it when people can say things better than me. :p
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gamerguy55 said:
I can understand why some would want an age requirement. There are some very immature people on here (both over and under 18). Then there are some people who are under 18 that are mature enough for this forum, the problem is determining who should be allowed to join and who shouldn't. I agree there should be some kind of a requirement besides age to join the forum when it becomes official. An example would be"To become an official member of the 405th the user must be [insert age here] and have [insert number here] posts on the noob forum. The user must also have at least one quality set of armor and have documentation to prove it (e.g. pics). These requirements are necessary to ensure that only serious member have the right to join. " That is just an example of what we could do, if and when the 405th becomes official. I hope that helps. I will support what ever "the mods" decision may be. /end rant


Definately well said.

Spase said:
Well, I hate to say it, but there is not a rule set for membership as far as I know of one existing. Most of what you read here is off the topic I intended, yet it has turned into yet another discussion of shoulds and should nots...

Mostly you can ignore what is stated here as it is all matter of individual opinion. I have not seen anyone barred from being part of this forum for anything other than misbehavior towards others and towards the community. I would not worry about this forum being closed to anyone except those that well deserved being banned. Being a member of the forum does not in my eyes constitute membership into any club, group or organization so called the 405th. There was no criteria that was applied to you when you signed up here, therefore you belong to no such organization or club, save to say that you are a member of the forum as is everyone else here, armor or no armor. Behave, and act like a mature individual, and I believe that your right to be apart of the forum will be upheld.

ALSO well said, and good points; I don't think there should be any membership exclusion to the forums for those who are underage; if anything, we can snag them in and hold them until they're 18. :p

SPARTAN405 said:
I have had alot of life experiences that have really matured me. However, I am not fully mature. But I can, however talk to an adult with ease and am not shy. Plus I dont like to argue with people, nor do I like to physically fight them. Alot of people tell me that I am more mature than the kids around me. Im not saying all 15 year olds are as mature as I but some of them are. Thats why there really should be no age limit. Once I was so eager to join the 501st but then I saw its 18 +.
Anyways back on topic. Its so shocking to see that many spambots!!!!

I think I ended up maturing far too soon in life. Too much death and all that.

Still, I think you guys should do something with 16-17 with parental permission. You can obtain legal documents and waivers that no longer hold you liable, and for those of us who are over 18, we can just sign up straight away. I realize the reason for concern, though.

I saw someone mention we should do paintballing. Their post involved mongooses.

I will have you know that I will ride with anyone who has a mongoose. I will take your paintshots for you if I can ride in the mongoose. :p
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Nomadic Spoon said:
I saw someone mention we should do paintballing. Their post involved mongooses.

I will have you know that I will ride with anyone who has a mongoose. I will take your paintshots for you if I can ride in the mongoose. :p
i will too. I will take paintshots for anyone who would even contemplate letting me near their mongooses. or is that mongeese?
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Lol, I would too but I'm not allowed to paintball.

*sulks* stupid knee...

Anyway, I will when I'm allowed to paintball. :D
i say 14+ or 16+ 18 would leave us with only like 50 members.
Rob said:
I think a pic in good Armor or Costume Navy Flight Crew ect and age 12 +

What is the brake down by states?

Rob W.
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Ph4de said:
Stop Posting In Dead Threads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cautious:
Ph4de said:
Over 2 months old

If he has a comment to make, and the original posters are still active, it doesn't bother them a bit to see his new message.

However, if you were around to post in the thread (you weren't), or you already read it when it was fresh, it might be a bit tedious to read through it more.

In conclusion... sit back, lurk more, and you may learn something. I mean this is the most benevolent way possible.
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Vrogy said:
If he has a comment to make, and the original posters are still active, it doesn't bother them a bit to see his new message.

However, if you were around to post in the thread (you weren't), or you already read it when it was fresh, it might be a bit tedious to read through it more.

In conclusion... sit back, lurk more, and you may learn something. I mean this is the most benevolent way possible.

Haha thanks for the back up there :D I dont like it when people try to boss eeveryone around especially when they arent even a mod.
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Can we get a new estimate on the new year Spase? im pretty sure the ranks have swelled to include more:

14 year olds,
Anime loves (over doing it)

anyway can we get a redo of the estimate and go from there?
Some of those stats are really interesting. The 3% of people with a full set might even be too generous, i think its between 1 and 2 with a half decent set.
stanvo said:
Some of those stats are really interesting. The 3% of people with a full set might even be too generous, i think its between 1 and 2 with a half decent set.
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I think the 3% owning quality armour number is highly optimistic. There will be a whole lot more soon as some of the projects going now get finished up but, 3% of 1000 is 30. I don't see what I consider to be 30 screen quality suits on this forum. Id put the figure at around .7% to be honest
NZ-TK said:
I think the 3% owning quality armour number is highly optimistic. There will be a whole lot more soon as some of the projects going now get finished up but, 3% of 1000 is 30. I don't see what I consider to be 30 screen quality suits on this forum. Id put the figure at around .7% to be honest

They were rough estimates at the time, and I was being generous... and I was also considering the suits Adam Built, NAS built, and Westerfield built... at least the ones I could account for in pictures and word to mouth...

I still can't believe this post gets any attention at all... its sooo old.
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