Monthly Social Media Member Showcase!


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Hello Pacific!

As part of our restructuring, I am taking the lead on our social media presence!

With that, one of the reoccurring things I would like to do, is a monthly member showcase on our Pacific Regiment Instagram. This will be a few pictures, and a brief writeup of one of our members every month. We want to cycle through the region as we do this, showcasing a different member from a different place every month.

The first 3 months are going to be covering our Pacific Regiment Staff, not only as an introduction to the format with every one of you, but so everyone has a name and a face to your leadership that is paving the way to a better Pacific Regiment!

Here is the format I need from you! Feel free to omit any information you do not want to share.

- Forum Name
- Deployment Identification Number (as applicable)
- Battalion (as applicable)
- Location
- Next Convention Appearance (if you know/ as applicable)
- Social handle (if you want to be tagged in the post)
- short writeup on yourself, think a small paragraph.
- 1-3 Pictures of you in costume/405th or halo gear

The writeup could be anything, from how you got into cosplay, what you love about halo, your journey in the 405th. Pretty open here to what you want to tell about yourself in the social media showcase.

If you want to be showcased, put your information and writeup here, and I will pull someone every month to be featured!

till then, I will see you on the deckplate.



Name: Pipninja
DIN: S770
Battalion: Wabat
Location: Port Orchard, WA
Next Appearance: Emerald City Comic Con
Social Handle: Pipninja_armory

About me: I have been a member in the 405th for almost 11 years! Halo CE was the first video game I played, and from that point on it has held a place in my heart for the rest of my life. When I was in highschool, I learned that there were people who made halo armor in the real world. From that moment on, I found my calling as a maker. My favorite experience I have had in the halo community, was getting the opportunity to donate my first Ultimate Gungnir Helmet that I wore with my MK V armor to the halo museum at Halo Studios!


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Name: Baron
DIN: S080
Battalion: Oregon (unofficial)
Location: Rural Western Oregon
Next Appearance: Emerald City Comic Con
Social Handle: BaronCos

About me:
One fateful day in January and a bunch of snow and ice almost crippled a convention; However, amazing individuals and members from the 405th and Pacific saved this tragedy and turned it into a comedy of great measure... Baron took the leap; and dived into 3D printed armor; and that has opened a whole new chapter of adventures. This new path has been filled with trials, a touch of annoyance, and a significant amount of resolve and hot glue. Who doesn't appreciate a solid challenge, am I right? ‍♀

Name: Kahn_319
DIN: S319
Battalion: Orbat
Location: Corvallis Oregon
Next appearance: Emerald city Comic con
Social handle: Kahn_319

About me: I have been an active member of the 405th for about 3 years, I've learned a lot throughout my time here, when i first started getting involved i had just gotten out of the army and i was having a difficult time with my mental health. The connections and friends i made in the 405th really helped to give me a framework i could build on to pull my self out of and start a new direction for my life. I only hope going forward i can continue to help this great community thrive and give others the same hope and opportunities that i had.


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Name: Crow's Carrion
DIN: N/a
Battalion: N/a
Location: Puyallup, WA
Next Appearance: Wa Gaming Expo
Social Handle: N/a

About Me: I joined in April of 2024 after WA Gaming Expo where I met the 405th there. I've been a fan of Halo since 2017 and finding the 405th was a dream come true. It's been a treat getting to know all the amazing people within the community and with their help I've gotten to make something I'm proud of. For years I've stumbled from hobby to hobby, from collecting Transformers to attempting stop motion and art in general but nothing quite stuck like armor building. I hope to give back the kindness I've received from this community and give others the support I was.


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