My Battle Rifle

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Well here it is...

Nice! I have to admit, when I opened this thread I was thinking, "Oh, God. Not another cardboard BR attempt." I'm pleasantly surprised. Best cardboard battle rifle I've ever seen!
Wow! I totally wanna make an AR like that.. Could use a little weathering though. Just some dry brushing with exposed metal should do the trick, that's real easy.
now i can see.

that is madddddd good compared to the other one you made or if this is that other one then good job fixing it up
Friendly said:
Nice! I have to admit, when I opened this thread I was thinking, "Oh, God. Not another cardboard BR attempt." I'm pleasantly surprised. Best cardboard battle rifle I've ever seen!

Oh man, I thought the same thing. But man... Best BR ever made with cardboard! Reps for you. (y)
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