ps: this s my other account so dont say its not me check channel discription >>
anyways they're about 12-wks old now. they're 3 wks old when this vid was taking... 2 grey ones were adopted by a friend and i got the other 3 still in my backyard.
heres my indoor cat named... [its a boy too ] Kissums... my mom named it. oh and i get t keep one XD
ps: this s my other account so dont say its not me check channel discription >>
anyways they're about 12-wks old now. they're 3 wks old when this vid was taking... 2 grey ones were adopted by a friend and i got the other 3 still in my backyard.
heres my indoor cat named... [its a boy too ] Kissums... my mom named it. oh and i get t keep one XD