Either way yours looks amazing. The only question i have is how do you strum? Did you find a way to make it where you actually strum the strings to strum? If so yours will be the best ive seen so far. Excellent job!
Trust me when I say this. This is the first of its kind. I've been searching for this since guitar hero was released on PS2. I've seen every guitar mod ever made and available online. No other guitar uses the actual strings and frets to register the notes in the game. Wireless or not, every guitar mod out there simply has the strum bar and buttons transplnted into the real guitar. Including the all the charity guitars built by the pro guitar builder which I just can't remember the name.
I wouldn't spend time making something like this if I knew it had been before. I could be wrong so if you know where I can see another one made like mine, I'd love to see it
That's cool, but my question is does it work? I didn't see if you said you had tried it out yet or not, but I would be interested to know how it works. Perhaps you could make a vid of you shredding a song. I can't wait to see this thing in action. Awesome work man.
Its a full PS2 GH controller.
I am trying to borrow a camera so I can make a video. Oh and of course, I need to buy a copy of GH. I've been learning it at gamestop (on the 360 demo) and now I have to "learn" it on my new guitar. Of course I'll have to start easy, and gradualy get to harder songs and see if any adjustments or changes need to be made to the guitar.
But to the ones who still don't get it.. I strum the strings with the pick you see in the picture. And i have 5 frets to play the cords with. The pick also controls UP/DOWN in the menus through the strings.