My Reach/ Halo 1 hybrid armour.

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Jr Member
Hey 405th! Posting this so i dont have to later (LOL), but i'm going to start my build sometime soon! (Soon soon, not 6 months soon).
It's Pepakura, so i'm going to take my grand time with this (At least 1 year), but as i learn fast with my hands (Sorta strange,seeing as i'm an academic focused student.) I will (Probably) make few mistakes, but i hope it turns out good! Well, enough waffling on, the list of pieces:

EOD helmet: Not started
Mark V chest: Not started
CQC shoulder's: Not started
Mark V Gutplate: Not started
Mark V COD plate: Not started (I think it's called a COD plate for a reason, Call Of Duty, over the groin. Geddit?)
Mark V Thighs: Not started
Mark V Shin and Boot: Not started

Not a lot of detail i grant, but it IS my first build

Once i start, I will post pictures (You can hunt me down and decapitate me if i dont. FULL CONSENT)

Please, feel free to tell me what i'm doing wrong, or general good feedback
Got offical start date, week after next!

Buying all the ****, then gonna build the helmet, forearms and shoulders (CQC, and commando), then resin and bondo them. Then moving onto the torso (Chest, gutplate and COD) then finishing with the legs. After that gonna paint 'em, Black and purple (Any who are thinking, I AM NOT GAY.) Gonna post pics, Kill me if i dont.

Peace out!
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