N8TEBB's Mk 7 Build!!!!!

Made the knee pads - easier to tell what needs to be bigger


Shin needs to be bigger for sure. I think I will try making it a tad wider, and a few inches taller.
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Before redoing the shins and thighs, I want to make more progress elsewhere, so I made the forearms.


As usual they're still a bit rough - I will sand down all the pieces at the end and seal the gaps before painting. Don't worry :p

I also may make these pieces skinnier, but I will decide later. It will be easy enough to take a bit out and close it back up. These pieces came out pretty quick!
Man you really are speed with this thing! Feels like only a week ago you were starting on the an wrap. You're really on track to get this done by Fan Expo
Shoulders done! (yes I changed them from what I have in the original picture, I vibe with these ones better) Also, they are easier to make.

Been busy a lot recently enjoying my summer so I really haven't made much progress. I'm making adjustments to the pieces I've already made to make sure they look the right size and so on. I also started figuring out how I'm actually going to mount all of these pieces today too. May I introduce to you: the Singer Touch n Sew model 648 made 1968 (the white one)
The red machine is currently jammed because some idiot sewed velcro that had a sticky side and got gunk all over the mechanism. Some idiot..... It was me. I jammed the machine. But luckily I found that this table has another machine that just pops right up! After an hour or so of fiddling, I can now sew again! Only made the belt to refresh my sewing "skills" but hey now I am able to start making progress on this.
Also, today I found out sewing machines have auto bobbin feeders. Up until this point I just manually made bobbins... I literally just sat there for like 10 minutes manually wrapping thread around a bobbin. How have I gotten this far in life??
Welp, both sewing machines are down for the count, they're getting serviced tomorrow. Whoda thunk that a machine that's been sitting in storage for 20+ years would need a tune up? In the mean time, I've made tactical cat ears for the helmet! They're held on with magnets. :DDDDDD


Once I get a few more bits of the rigging done I will see how the sizing all works together. There is a chance this helmet could be too small, I printed one 10% bigger too, so we'll decide which one to proceed with.

Sorry that there is no rhyme or reason to the order of these posts, it seems like I half finish a part and then immediately move on to the next one... that's just how it be. I have to see each piece next to every other piece to make sure it's right, so nothing ever gets finished until the very end. Hopefully we'll be able to start seeing some loose ends being tied up soon!!
This is already looking great! As alternative to velcro, have you thought of magnets?
You upper leg pieces reminded me that I fogot some details on mine x)
My undersuit right now is just black, high waist skinny jeans and a cotton long sleeved shirt. I've seen people recommend skiïng undershirts but definitely don't do that: those are meant to retain heat, you will melt. Definitely look for something with a natural fiber like cotton, it will smell less too ;)
This is already looking great! As alternative to velcro, have you thought of magnets?
You upper leg pieces reminded me that I fogot some details on mine x)
My undersuit right now is just black, high waist skinny jeans and a cotton long sleeved shirt. I've seen people recommend skiïng undershirts but definitely don't do that: those are meant to retain heat, you will melt. Definitely look for something with a natural fiber like cotton, it will smell less too ;)
I did try magnets first! But I had trouble finding magnets that were small enough to fit behind the ab section but also strong enough to hold it together. It was also hard to keep such tiny magnets in place. I gave Velcro another try and it's actually working quite well! There certainly is a trick to getting it on and looking right though. My method for getting it on is not intuitive but works consistently, hopefully I'll make an update on that soon!
I'm planning on adding the stomach section to my armor soon too and I think I'll go for velcro too. Guess you could possibly put it on backwards and then twist it around but that might stress your seams a lot. Look forward to your update!
As usual I've been neglecting to post anything until it's at a point where I'm happy with the progress I've made, which always takes longer than usual. Also, I've been busy with lots of exciting things going on in my life. Not only did I have to rebuild half my deck last week, but I've been going to lots of family events and even an Ed Sheeran concert! Ok enough of the small talk... let's get to the updates!!!


LOTS of things have been changed and added since my last update:
  • Added 5cm height to both shins
  • Added 3D printed bits to each side of the COD piece
  • Used a heat gun to make those elbows less pointy
  • Made the Torso slightly slimmer
  • Added thrusters
  • Caved and used Velcro on the ab section (works better than expected)
  • Finally added the spine to the ab wrap
  • Rigging is almost done!!
Let's start by looking at that ab wrap. I ended up using Velcro to get it on and off. I initially wanted to avoid this as I though it would be difficult to get on by myself, but I found that I can put it on backwards and then swing it around. You can also see that there is a clip in the center. This connects to the torso so the torso doesn't get pulled up above the top of the ab wrap. There is also Velcro on each side that connects to the COD piece. I stuck the foam spine on with e6000. I apologize for the smudges on the pictures, the only place I can get good light is in front of my rather dirty mirror.


Speaking of the torso, I added thrusters to it! There are still lots of details I have to add, but the main shape is there and looking good! You can see a clip in the centre where the ab wrap connects, and there's also a clip on each side where the shoulder connects.


As for the rest of the rigging, I've basically made a belt with a pair of suspenders. Originally I was going to leave it as just a belt and use one strap to mount the thighs, but in the game there is a clear diagonal strap on the front, and three distinct straps on the butt. Because of this imbalance of straps, I ended up needing the suspenders. Here is what the rig looks like:


There are SIX clips at the back that have to hide under the COD piece. Three straps for each side, as seen in the game. They are not easy to get all clipped in, but then again they're not the trickiest things in the world. I can still get everything on by myself. The strap on the front of the thigh is non-stretch and the ones on the butt are stretchy.


I've been doing lots of learning on the sewing machine trying to make some under suit sections for the knees. I have one made out of a fabric that I'm not a fan of, so I will have to start those over. I still have to properly mount the shins, as well as figure out a way to make sure the tongue of the shoes don't stick up.

I'm still deciding if those thighs are too small. I think in these pictures they're a bit high, but honestly they may be small. I think for this iteration of the suit I'm not going to worry about it. If I decide to fix them it will be after fan expo. I have to get this suit done! I think the shins are just right after I added 5cm to them.

What do you guys think?? Looking ok or what?
The ab wrap and all the strapping is impressive! Plus your foamwork is real clean! It'll be fun to run around FanExpo with this new suit in a few weeks!
so ya know how I'm stressin about how there's not an abundance of time left before fan expo? ya... well I decided there was enough time to make the thigh slightly bigger. New ones are on the right.
I've also cut out a bunch of detail bits to go on the torso that I can hopefully glue on tomorrow. THEN I will start wrapping this stuff up. XD
Nice to work outside every once in a while


Since all the foam pieces are made, I can do all the finishing touches. Since you've seen it last I've added some details to the torso and thigh. Right now I'm working on filling in the gaps with kwik seal. I'm about halfway done right now. I've done the torso, thighs, shins, and COD piece. Once the rest of those pieces are filled I can get to painting! So close!!



Of course I still have to get the helmet done before the suit is complete, but we'll get there when we get there. I think I'm on track to getting the suit con ready before fan expo, I might even have time to finish the electronics and a few other under suit bits.
Fan X is right around the corner! Good thing I've been making some progress!! I've finished filling in all the seams!


Now It's time to paint! Originally, I was going to use a plaid fx, which is a flexible paint. But after doing some tests and even covering one of my thigh pieces with the stuff I decided to go with my regular method. Even though Plaid FX is supposed to not leave and brush strokes, even after 4 coats I could see clear brush strokes, and even see through the paint in some areas. I made sure to fix it thoroughly before using, so I don't think that was the problem. Anyways, I decided to do spray paint. First step: plasti dip to seal 'er in


Funny, you americans dont make your safety labels nearly as big as we do in canada. (First 2 cans are canadian, the rest are from the US)


Next, I do some primer. I know it's not entirely necessary to do a layer of primer, but personally I think it helps make sure the paint looks its best. Sometimes paint on its own doesn't cover plasti dip as well as i'd like.


I will do the first layer of colour today, and hopefully be done painting before next week. We will certainly have a nice suit for the convention, but there might be a few details that have to wait until after hehe
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