need some help with finding templates

infinite toast

New Member
i've been working on making jorge-052 from reach but i cant find the templates that i need, i have a 3d printer but it isnt nearly large enough to print thigh, shin, cod, bicep, forearm or chest pieces, so i need to make them with eva foam, only issue is the only templates i can find for them on pepakura are for paper not foam, i was wondering if there are any awesome sauce people out there who could help me out finding the right templates or possibly unwrapping models for me? thanks in advance :D

(also apologies if this is in the wrong forum)
Why do you say your printer isnt big enough? are you trying to print all in piece? are you open to cutting up models so that they fit on your print bed?
pepakura is what we use to make the foam patterns from, i my self have never made a set from it but other do. maybe someone has the file and will share with ya
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