Nerf halo MA40 Rifle repaint


Jr Member
Hey everyone. First thread!
I'm getting ready for a con that's just a few days away and I repainted 2 Nerf Halo MA40 rifles.

Top is Halo Reach MA37 paintjob since Reach is probably my favorite Halo game and I love the color scheme.
The bottom rifle is the Halo Infinite MA40.
The game model's weathering has very few scratches or paint wear marks compared to the MA37, and instead has lots of dirt and dust in the low spots.

For the dust, at first I tried matte brown paint, but didn't look right. Then I saw on a YouTube video the use of fuller's earth as a weathering method but I couldn't find a darker color to match the game model.
Since fuller's earth is a beauty product, I figured maybe a different beauty product that's a compressed powder could also work. I decided on trying some eye shadow, and a matte shadow ended up looking super close to the look of the game, since dust is very matte in real life. It looks better much in person than on my phone camera.

So if anyone would like to try this along with the standard dry brushing and washes, give this a shot.
I'm really happy with the way its turning out!





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These look awesome! And honestly i never even thought about using beauty products for weathering/dirtying up the weapons!

Most i used was an old makeup brush for silver weathering lol

Awesome job on these!
These look awesome! And honestly i never even thought about using beauty products for weathering/dirtying up the weapons!

Most i used was an old makeup brush for silver weathering lol

Awesome job on these!
Thanks! And yeah, I'm glad I found that video, the dusting examples looked super authentic so I really wanted to try it on the Infinite rifle. And it just so happens that beauty products are the easiest fine powders to find.
Now the only question is which do I use for the expo? haha
Hey everyone. First thread!
I'm getting ready for a con that's just a few days away and I repainted 2 Nerf Halo MA40 rifles.

Top is Halo Reach MA37 paintjob since Reach is probably my favorite Halo game and I love the color scheme.
The bottom rifle is the Halo Infinite MA40.
The game model's weathering has very few scratches or paint wear marks compared to the MA37, and instead has lots of dirt and dust in the low spots.

For the dust, at first I tried matte brown paint, but didn't look right. Then I saw on a YouTube video the use of fuller's earth as a weathering method but I couldn't find a darker color to match the game model.
Since fuller's earth is a beauty product, I figured maybe a different beauty product that's a compressed powder could also work. I decided on trying some eye shadow, and a matte shadow ended up looking super close to the look of the game, since dust is very matte in real life. It looks better much in person than on my phone camera.

So if anyone would like to try this along with the standard dry brushing and washes, give this a shot.
I'm really happy with the way its turning out!

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Did my own thing last year. Universal bonding primer is important. I forgot to use it on a few parts and you can see how it flakes. A small maglite fits well after some cutting. I also have an led counter.
Did my own thing last year. Universal bonding primer is important. I forgot to use it on a few parts and you can see how it flakes. A small maglite fits well after some cutting. I also have an led counter.
Oh very nice. Yeah after 2 days at a con, the very tip of the cocking handle was getting rubbed and showing just a tiny sliver of orange. I just touched it up with a dab of acrylic paint.
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