Ok here's the skinny. I had an epiphany. I ride a motorcycle. I wear a helmet. Why not wear a master chief motorcycle helmet? So here is what I want to do. Take a motorcycle helmet, and mod it into a master chief helmet so that I can look bad ass and protect my melon at the same time. I've already started running into some issues, like the visor being stationary (I'm pretty sure there's no way to make it flip up) which I am willing to sacrifice, and working ventilation, which I am not so eager to sacrifice. Also trying to figure out what the best way to actually affix everything onto the helmet is. I'm thinking individual pieces bonded with resin, maybe something like that. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. A lot of you are way more familiar and experienced with this sort of thing than myself. Reply to this post or contact me via email at andr3w1sh@yahoo.com and thanks in advance. I'll be sure and post pics of my progress.