Greetings Everyone.
thanks for linking me to your site Adam, Really like what you've done with it.
I saw everyone was posting pics of their suits. mine isn't 100% finished, still making the undersuit, gotta add shading and what not. So bare in mind its Not 100% finished. i threw in a few pics of my eariler attempts of painting the helmets too.
Sorry to any poor souls on Dial-up
The suits made of a special Poly-Urethane resin. it is as light weight as vac formed plastic only in liquid form.
The suit also has an iron coating, this means that if i dent or scrape/scratch the suit raw metal will show through ( however it still weighs less than nothing)
The visor is made of a special micron gold film... and when i say film i mean its like gold leaf, it took me about 8 weeks to work out a method for lamination to make it more see through ( and no a normal laminator won't work as its not got a temp gage).. So yes the visor is see through.
The entire suit has molded padding which i coved with a softskin leather. the leather parts of the shoes took me a while to sew correctly with out too much warping.
YES i will be adding the lights.
YES i will be adding the glove armor.
YES there will be an undersuit
and YES there will be guns.. lots of guns.
I was luck enough to get ahold of the 6'8" statue. ( german made )
i sanded the piece up and made a sujit for my own personal collection
i am only 5'10" and the suit fits pretty nicely considering.. i've seen others which were cast off the 5'9" statue.. sadly once you have it all laid out it'll only fit someone around 5 feet tall... so basicly kid size.
As a finaly note , any questions or comments are welcome..
No the suit is not for sale.
No i won't sell them on ebay.
i get people saying that alot
Thanks again
thanks for linking me to your site Adam, Really like what you've done with it.
I saw everyone was posting pics of their suits. mine isn't 100% finished, still making the undersuit, gotta add shading and what not. So bare in mind its Not 100% finished. i threw in a few pics of my eariler attempts of painting the helmets too.
Sorry to any poor souls on Dial-up
The suits made of a special Poly-Urethane resin. it is as light weight as vac formed plastic only in liquid form.
The suit also has an iron coating, this means that if i dent or scrape/scratch the suit raw metal will show through ( however it still weighs less than nothing)
The visor is made of a special micron gold film... and when i say film i mean its like gold leaf, it took me about 8 weeks to work out a method for lamination to make it more see through ( and no a normal laminator won't work as its not got a temp gage).. So yes the visor is see through.
The entire suit has molded padding which i coved with a softskin leather. the leather parts of the shoes took me a while to sew correctly with out too much warping.
YES i will be adding the lights.
YES i will be adding the glove armor.
YES there will be an undersuit
and YES there will be guns.. lots of guns.
I was luck enough to get ahold of the 6'8" statue. ( german made )
i sanded the piece up and made a sujit for my own personal collection
i am only 5'10" and the suit fits pretty nicely considering.. i've seen others which were cast off the 5'9" statue.. sadly once you have it all laid out it'll only fit someone around 5 feet tall... so basicly kid size.
As a finaly note , any questions or comments are welcome..
No the suit is not for sale.
No i won't sell them on ebay.
i get people saying that alot
Thanks again