Oh god, no.

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Well-Known Member
Those bastards, I didn't care that they bought the game early until they PUT THE ENDING ON YOUTUBE.
Out of respect, both for you, and bungie, I will not post the video unless I need to.
Look, The vid itself doesn't give many spoilers story wise. It's mostly character closure.


MC does not die, don't worry.
It looks like you need to get to it through the game to understand what the hell's going on, but it's not too bad.
It was a very bitter sweet ending, it is what Halo 2 needed, but too much sadness and still a lack of closure. (Ends in a cliffhanger, I know "WTF?".

I'm not trying to ruin it for people, I'm just trying to get the point across that THIS IS WRONG.
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huh, nevermind. This can be closed, or turn into a thread expressing your anger...

xalener said:
huh, nevermind. This can be closed, or turn into a thread expressing your anger...
uhm... why is it spaced out like that l:-'
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Leadingspartan said:
Adrennaline is the one who first posted it. OMG i am so mad. I got the whole game spoiled to me by gametrailers, now i know how the world ends this is a warning to all do not go to http://www.gametrailers.com

Let me guess...The Infamous "Chief takes his helmet and chestplate off" picture on GT right?
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GruntOfAction said:
Let me guess...The Infamous "Chief takes his helmet and chestplate off" picture on GT right?
nope. Something else the thread just got deleted now i might not even buy halo 3. Im very happy you guys didnt spoiled but not im pissed off.
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Leadingspartan said:
nope. Something else the thread just got deleted now i might not even buy halo 3. Im very happy you guys didnt spoiled but not im pissed off.

Well theres always multiplayer..lol.
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Leadingspartan said:
nope. Something else the thread just got deleted now i might not even buy halo 3. Im very happy you guys didnt spoiled but not im pissed off.
Man, that guy was a total @$$hole, seriously, still buy it, multiplayer, Coop, there's still more then just the ending.
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i think im just gonna lock myself in my room and make my parents slide food under the door until i get halo 3 to avoid all the spoilers THEY ARE EVEN IN THE AIR!!!
Please don't continue to spread these spoilers in this forum. It's bad enough that it was leaked in the first place.
Ya know what? If you're so afraid of spoilers, DON'T LOOK AT THEM!....Could someone please explain to me why everyone is complaining due to their own masochistic actions? Seriously, if you took the time to search for a spoiler, you shouldn't complain afterwards, because you did it to yourself.

I've been gone for two weeks, and I come back to find people complaining left and right about, 'OMFG!!! I ruined the game for myself and now I hatez peoplz!!! RAWR!!!!'...It's stupid. And I can honestly say that I don't care to know if you've spoiled the game for yourself by 'tempting fate' and looking at someone else's spoiler.
Anyone who really didn't want to see spoilers should stay off the internet like Bungie reccomended. The point is that it's ruining people experience when they do get the game and that you guys are further spreading it to our forum.

Adrenaline was banned for doing that unprovoked in a thread here.

I haven't looked at the spoilers, but I don't want other people to 'tempt fate' though posts here when we have already made an effort to keep it off of these boards.

Xalener was nice enough to black it out and post a huge 'Spoiler Warning" before it was posted, but then Andrew just blurted it out... it just sort of de-volves like this anytime something is posted.
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