Okay, It's been 16 years. Time to start a build again! Bob's CE anniversary Chief build


Well-Known Member

(Yes, that is the best I can do since joining the 405th 16 years ago.)

So yeah, I doubt anyone here will remember me, since I joined the 405th in 2009 and my last post was in 2012, but I'm somewhat back! I got back into cosplay a few years ago, and after several Mando builds I figured it would be time to go back to something I've been wanting to do for the better part of two decades: A chief build! It's the costume that's been on my bucket list, and something that'd suit me, since I'm 6'10. After reviewing all my options, and wanting to do something a tad more unique, I decided to build a MK V A from Halo CE anniversary.

Current state of the build:

I will be 3d printing most of my armour, with some added details using EVA foam. I'm currently still not entirely sure what to do with the under suit, although I will most likely start with a screen-printed spandex suit, and potentially add detail using 3d printed ninjaflex material or something similar.

So far, I'm about 300 hours into printing the armour, the entire upper body + the cod piece have been printed. To give an idea:


This is just a rough test fit, but it would appear I've sized all the armour correctly.

The chest plate is currently in the bodywork phase (I use a combination between filler primer, polyesther body filler and glazing filler), and needs a ton of sanding. More on that soon!

I did do quite a bit of work on the helmet. The paintwork is about 95% done. I still need to figure out a way of attaching the back of the helmet (probably some kind of hinge system, combined with magnets), install a visor, and figure out the light in the helmet (I did order some 10mm white LED's and some rubber O rings to make it look a fair bit neater), but here's what I've got so far:


The colour I'm using here is Montana Black Series Lost Island and I think it suits the overall look very well! The helmet could do with some more blackwashing to pull it all together a bit more but that'll happen when more pieces are finished, so make the overall weathering as even as possible.
Welcome back! It always feels good to see folks from way back post nowadays, we’re glad you’ve come back! The suit looks like it’s really coming along! What are you thinking of doing for the undersuit?
Thanks! I'm still contemplating a lot on the under suit, I'm not fully sure yet. Potential a screen printed spandex suit with some ninjaflex details on it, but we'll see.

Time for some updates!

There is still a lot of painting and sanding going on, the chest and back are progressing somewhat slow, as the prints on them were a bit rough and they are the biggest pieces. I did manage to finish painting the main part of the helmet, which I think turned out nicely!

The next pieces I decided to paint were the gauntlets. It's always nice to reference the actual game as you're painting:


Anyway, a lot (and I mean a lot) of filling, sanding and painting went into the gauntlets and they turned out pretty lovely!
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Looking really good mate. Glad to see you return home to Halo! I'll be following with great anticipation.
Wow! Your armors looking good! For someone who joined the community over a decade and a half ago, how much easier would you say making the armor has gotten?
Thank you! I would say it's become more accessible to get better results, although things are still largely similar in terms of technique(s).

I've got some more stuff to show!

Finished the first bicep this weekend, and continued the work on the second one

(Still needs some small paint details but it's about 95% there)

Furthermore, I've been doing an absolute buttload of bodywork on the chest plate and backplate! The backplate is currently in it's first layer of paint


While the back plate is about 75% done in terms of bodywork. I'm currently thinking of modeling up some insert detail pieces for the side... Vents?


Progress might get a hair slower, since I'm currently rebuilding one of my 3d printers (a well deserved rebuild after about 25.000 print hours), hindering progress in terms of printing

That's all for now!
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Welcome back! Like Sweed said, it's super cool to see some activity from original members of the group! The suit is looking fantastic so far! I can't wait to see the final product!

I've looked into Ninjaflex a little bit and have considered trying it for myself but haven't yet. Have you messed around with it at all yet? I'm interested to see how that works out.

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