Out of commission

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The Ragin Pagan

Well-Known Member
Just to give everyone a heads up, I will be very inactive for an as yet undetermined ammount of time. I'll be able to post here and there, but not on a regular basis as I'm used to. My electronic spawn of satan, A.K.A. Macintosh iMac, decided to crash yesterday. I have yet to be able to take it in for repairs, and must now rely on libraries and computer labs. I'll be back, eventually, but in the meantime will miss it here. Keep all the new recruits in line!
If it's still under warranty take it to a Apple Store. They'll fix it up for you and I think for free. I can't remember because when I worked there I wasn't a Mac Genius I was a Mac Specialist.
all my friends macs crash all the time, i think they refuse to admit that a PC has the potential to be better because they all wasted 1500-3000 dollars on something that crashes more than a drunk 16 year old who just got their license
Well, I managed to resurrect the POS (because I'm just that cool of a computer-necromancer) so I'm back. Boom Bam baby!
Spartan-419 said:
Well, I managed to resurrect the POS (because I'm just that cool of a computer-necromancer) so I'm back. Boom Bam baby!
Did you install the latest Tiger update? there's something bent in that update that causes a restart failure, all you get is the grey apple screen with the spinning gear, it bit my G4 powerbook so I'm back on my old G3 desktop until I get out to the Apple Store on sunday.

Freeman, you friends are probably doing too many things at once or are trying to play games that have too much going on the screen for the system to handle, specially if they are running PC games using VPC, Boot Camp or Parallels.
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