Pacific Regiment Revamp

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Member DIN
I'd like to thank the group for voting me in as Pacific RCO and apologize for my lack of involvement as of late. The elimination of cons last year as proven a great demotivator to build. But, rest assured I have not lost my love and admiration for my 405th cohorts and the fantastic work you all do both in building and encouraging others to keep up their craft.

The Pacific Regiment has dwindled as of late, but our fire has not yet been extinguished. There are many great prospects on the horizon and many great things our other Regiments have been doing that I would be proud to emulate.

Let's discuss some of these things in this thread.

1. Have you all been noticing 405th Twitch streams? We now have consistent programming with educational lessons, crafting challenges and joinable game nights. Check out the our Twitch channel or lookout for posts from our PR man TurboCharizard It's also a great way to introduce people not familiar with our group a chance to see first hand what our members are like... super courteous goof balls.]K-R
2. Those of you with completed suits that have requested your costume be deployment certified may have been contacted by now about collectable custom trading cards! I'll make another post about this soon. I would love to even mail you some of the mascot and launch cards I have to kick off this outstanding new program.

3. Virtual builds? I've been wanting to start a video conference call with anyone in the Pacific Regiment only who'd like to join just a couple hours a week. Just a chill chance to chat while building or planning. Would anyone be interested in this?

4. Halo MCC Xbox and PC crossover! Last time we challenged Midwest to MCC Halo 3. We can do this again and we would not have to split Xbox and PC. I was thinking we might challenge the Canadian Regiment.

5. Halo Infinite is nearing release. Are we ready? Will there be in person events? Official, Unofficial, Gamestop, 405th Meet ups? If we don't talk about it and let each other know what we are hearing then these opportunities to suit up may surprise us or worse yet pass us up. What have you all heard?

6. Our Instagram has been stagnant. I know there haven't been cons, but that's not the biggest culprit. The main issue is there are only a few staff that can post photos, but it is the rest of YOU that have the great photos we should be posting! I would love to set up a thread where you all can post photos you'd like us to share on IG. We'll be taking a page out of the staff's book over at Midwest for this one.

7. Last and most certainly not least! I do not believe we have ever introduced our newest Pacific staff member. Before EVAkura]K-R
stepped down as RCO due to his relocation, he appointed a new RMO and I am pleased he has opted to stay on with me. I will be making a separate post, but I'd feel amiss if I did not mention it amid this revamp post. Let me welcome and thank our new Regiment Membership Officer for joining the ranks. Cheers to
@Yelsanick0117 !
I am glad to have you aboard.

I'll be posting more about these topics in the near future, but I'd love to get your feedback now to see what you are most interested in.
Congrats! Awesome to have you as our Regiment Officer. If there is anything I can do to help out, now or in the future, I'd love to participate! I think having more interactive nights (streaming builds, playing together, boosting the instagram, etc) would really help the regiment grab some recognition.
Congrats, mate! I'm pretty new here, but I'm hoping to get back in the swing of things, as well. Not having scheduled Cons has it's ups and downs, for sure.
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