Pacific Regiment Staff Resignation


Member DIN
Well the day has finally come, ya'll. As of Feb 1st I, too, will be stepping down from my staff positions of both Pacific XO and WaBat CO and will no longer be active in the 405th moving forward.

I can confidently say that this isn't how I wanted to leave this group.

Over the past 7½ months I have slowly lost all motivation and drive to continue being a part of this organization that clearly does not actually respect any of us or is even willing to entertain the idea of real discussion regarding decisions made at the upper level of staff no matter how hard we tried or how many of us directly opposed said decision.

At the end of the day, the power dynamic of this group is severely flawed. It is something that I've always known since day 1... But since, it has become increasingly problematic when those in charge seemingly do not actually care about the people of this community that we have poured so much of our blood, sweat and tears into over the years. Art has explicitly said that he is completely fine with the 405th collapsing over this.

Even the rules that are supposed to be held sacred effectively mean nothing. Duke and Strider were banned without warning and without trial, which is literally against the ToS and still months later have not been given one. Both of those people were pillars of this community that almost single-handedly helped shape their respective Regiments into what they are today - they deserved so much more than that.

Many of you guys in Pacific likely would not be here at all if it weren't for Duke.

I genuinely tried, friends. I know Duke can't get on here and tell you himself, but we love you guys. This community has meant so very much to us over the years and it absolutely breaks our hearts that this is the way that it has ended for us.

If any of you guys need me or want to chat you can always get ahold of me on discord (Arcsolcosplay). I can't say with any certainty how active Duke and I will be in events moving forward (if at all), but I am still around - feel free to reach out.
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It's honestly heartbreak seeing and reading so many of these lately.
The part about “being fine with the collapse” is really eye-opening. Why ruin it for everyone. I was so excited and optimistic when I joined a year ago and now it looks like I get to watch the end. I’ll keep building my armor and hopefully find another organization.
When i came into the pacific regiment, we had strong leadership and a community that sought to help each other grow. Not only that but everyone on the staff was welcoming and positive, it felt like the start of something that would last for decades. When Duke got banned i knew it was the beginning of the end of the old era as there was currently no one with standing in pacific that could replace what Duke had been doing, and i am in agreement with many that the decisions around this and the upper leadership handled the situation poorly. i am not making excuses for upper leadership when i say this but i am going to try to help pacific rebuild while i still reside in the area, what it was truly was great and if we can even get close to what it use to be it will have been worth it. to the old guard stepping out, we will miss you, and we will strive to rebuild what was taken from you.

With that said i do not believe that breaking off into splinter groups is the answer, spartan114x if you're willing try to be a part of the new pacific, let us try to recreate what we had, give us a chance, and I'm not asking this of just you but all members who are considering stepping away from the 405th. Upper leadership may have let us down but lets not split to the winds, the people are mostly still here and are willing to try again, at the end of the day its a club for cosplay and making friends.

To the new groups being created, i do wish you all the best because i do love you all, but i cant go with you, i will do what i can to improve the 405th and hopefully make a positive impact on the lives of those i interact with through it. i hope to still see you all at conventions as i still consider you my friends, and i hope that even tho we made separate decisions on where to ride out the storm i believe that that friend ship doesn't have to end.

Thanks for the memories, you will all be missed.
I wish the best for you Arc. Meeting you all at Washington Game Expo opened my eyes to a whole group of people who where just as passionate about Halo if not more, than me. It's sad to see some the amazing people I there met leave.
I hope wherever the road of life takes you it's not bumpy.

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